
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Winter Solstice resolution

Winter Solstice seems to me a more appropriate time to make a New Years resolution. It's the pivotal point when the darkness recedes and the light grows brighter, and it is the light which I wish to foster and allow to grow brightly inside of me.
Where it is true, that we all carry something of our past with us, that it has shaped and defined who we are; it is also true that we carry the seeds of our authentic loving selves inside of us as well. Despite the modelling of our past, we have the ability to shape and define ourselves. It is simply where we focus our attention that determines what will grow. 

I have given enough time to my past and to those in it who no longer wish to share this journey with me. I have mourned their loss and wallowed in self pity and blame, and in the process, I have forgotten who I am and where I wish to be. 

It is time for me to get back on track, time for me to look forward again and to be grateful for those who walk with me, now, and for however long they choose to.

It is time to focus on the light and leave the darkness behind. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013


I feel like the world around me 
is crumbling
everywhere I look
there is conflict 
and argument 
nothing feels safe anymore 

I want to run away and hide
protect myself from the devastation
but there's nowhere to go 
because the devastation 
is happening
in me

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A meaningful life

Would you think your life had meaning if it didn't matter to anyone else but you?

Monday, December 9, 2013

From the top down

After all is said and done, I've no other choice but to 'just be' who I am.

I believe in myself because the things I believe in are important to me, and I am the one who decided those thing are worthy of my efforts and attention, and that hasn't changed. I accept who I am because I see where I want to go. and for me, that defines who I am more than the faulty programming that gets in my way, and more than a friend leaving me because of it.

Better than anyone else, I know what I can be, and part of me is already there - the part that is capable of unconditional love. I know that I have this ability in me because I've felt the shear joy of it for everyone I have ever loved, before that loving became corrupted by the press of my own unfulfilled needs and the encroaching fear of losing that which had begun to fulfill them.

I will always want to love with an open heart no matter how many times I get hurt, and no matter how often I screw it up.  Doing so is the only way I will truly be able to experience that love that I crave, both in the receiving and giving of it. My need for secure attachments, and the anxiety I feel over losing that which comes nearest in providing it, is the handicap that keeps getting in the way of that love. But I am determined to do the work needed to make it less so, and one day, make the problem disappear altogether. 

Continuing to love with an open heart is the only way I can think of to to achieve this. . ... And at the same time, and like my Therapist suggested might be the way for me to go, fulfill my basic need for that missing love and security from the top down, while working toward the more loftier spiritual goal of becoming my best self.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thank you Mandela, but these words belong to Marianne Williamson,

Prompted by Mandela's death I shared a quote that I thought was his, but I just found out from a friend on Facebook that it wasn't. The words belong to Marianne Williamson, and since I found the quote so inspiring,  and something I really needed to hear at this moment in my life, I'm reposting it, but this time giving credit where it is due.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

~ Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of 'A Course in Miracles'

Thank you Marianne.

Just be

I don't think I remember how to just be.

If it's not been one person it's been another, some asked, and some not, telling me how I should think, what I should feel, and what I should do to fix what's wrong with me. And on the occasion when no one else has been available to offer their insight, I've been more then ready to jump in with self criticism and demands, second guessing everything I do, my head spinning with alternative viewpoints and solutions, trying to please everyone and my own high standards at once, and not doing a very good job at any of it.

 I've spent about a year seeing a therapist, and a couple of intense years on my own before that pulling out one layer of belly button lint after another, trying to uncover the root of my problems, and I dont know if I'm actually any better off now for the knowing, than I was before I began this journey.  I don't believe I'm any happier than I use to be.  ... I have to say, there was really something quite blissful about my ignorance.

I can't pretend that I don't know that I have this anxious attachment problem. I've lost too many friends because of it to ignore it and not try to fix it. I have a responsibility to myself and those in my life to do so. But I'm tired of it all; I really am.

It's not that I'll ever become light and frivolous, that's not me.  I'll aways be a deep thinker, I'll always have a fondness for introspection, and I'm always going to want to do the right thing.  It's just that after all of it, I don't think I can trust myself enough to simply just be, and I'm not even certain that I should. 

Life use to be about being spontaneous, flying as high as I could, knowing God, or the Divine, or whatever you call it, though the sheer joy of life, love and living.  ... That was my plan anyway.

It's not working out that way at all.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Taking my side

I need to care for myself
more than I need you in my life
If I allow your bad opinion to define me
then there's no reason to continue
to be the good person that I believe I am.

Friday, November 29, 2013

An apology

I wish to apologize to all who are reading this blog. My last couple of comments were purely emotional hijacked reaction, and were not meant as a reflection of how I feel about the support and friendship that I have received from you all.

For me, this year has been the year from hell. The arthritic deterioration of my knees meant that I had to quit my gardening business, something that I was very proud of. In one year I went from being the person that helped others, to someone who's always needing help, and who can't live up to her partners expectations of shared responsibility. 

Early this spring, my father was diagnosed with brain cancer, was admitted to the Victoria General hospital in Halifax, and died there in May.  Because he was weak and lonely and dying and was no longer the same mean bast@r£ that  he was when he abused his family, I forgave him.  But any good feeling I received because of that act, came only from that act.  It was not acknowledged in any way.  

When I visited him in the hospital I did not receive one word of apology for his past abuse, or any appreciation for my being there at his side then. -   Later, after his death and while looking at a photograph of his tombstone that my brother sent by email, I realized that I was actually grieving for the father who when I was little, took me fishing, and berry picking, and who taught me how to bait a hook, and light a fire.  

While I was visiting my Father,  I stayed with my Mom, and that experience was a revealing trip back into my past. The negativity, the emotional blackmail, being told again and again in so many little ways, and then in loud and angry and abusive ways, that I wasn't important...  The guilting,  and then my open letter afterward, denying ownership of it all, and resulting in my being disowned, by not only my mother and her husband, but by other members of the family who she talked to. 

At the same time that all of this is happening, I was seeing a therapist,  trying my best to take responsibility for my anxious attachment problem and how it makes it difficult for others to be my friend.  Whenever I become attached to someone, I become super sensitive to any signs of rejection.  I first started seeing my therapist after I had a falling out with a dear friend, and I realized that what I was blaming  her for was utterly uncalled for.   I learned at that moment that I couldn't trust my own interpretation of how things appeared.   

 Since then I have learned why I do what I do, and how to avoid it happening. It's hard work though; I have to form new ways of thinking that aren't based on my initial flight or fight response,  an innate reaction we all have to perceived danger, and which is triggered when we experience something similar to another time when we were hurt.

Like an alcoholic, I know now that I can't let down my guard thinking that I have control over it. Until these new thought patterns become second nature, it's unrealistic to think that occasionally something won't slip though and I'll react emotionally to a perceived threat. 

 Things with that friend, the one who inspired me to seek counseling,  improved, though I don't think she ever got over the first incident, and so with each small occurrence she pulled further away, with her telling me the last time that she wouldn't take anymore. 

She just left me a couple of weeks ago. We had a falling out over something, that I still don't believe had to do with my anxious attachment problem, although that is what she blamed it on. - There's no need to go into details. Suffice it to say that it ended ugly, with me trying to stop her from leaving me, and my being blamed  by her for her uncommonly mean behavior. 

I am still hurting from this, and I'm grieving for the loss of someone I loved. My emotions are all mixed up, sometimes I blaming myself, and sometimes I feel betrayed.

I don't know which way is up anymore, and it seems  to me that every time I turn around I offend someone else, so I'm feeling very much like a bull in a china shop.  - Aside from the fact that I am just so tired of explaining myself,  I really can't afford to lose another friend right now; emotionally I don't think I could handle  it. 

So please I beg you, accept my apology if I've offended you recently, and for the childishness of my recent blog comments. I don't want your sympathy. I am asking for your understanding.  I DO very much appreciate the friendship and support that you all have given me.  I don't mean to say you are not worth my attention. I just need to slow down and take some time to heal. 

It's obvious that I need to write my thoughts and feelings down, so I bought a journal, (an electronic one; my handwriting sucks) and I plan to write how I feeling in that, rather than blurt out everything that pops into my head in a blog or Facebook post. 

I'm sorry.  I wish I could be a better friend.  

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I have this fear that if we all believed we shouldn’t expect anything from anyone, no one will take responsibility for what they do to another, and it will be the beginning of the end of the world.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Dr. Seuss is in

This came to me tonight from half way around  the world:

So don't give up. Those who know you properly know you're a wonderful
person with a huge heart. Keep being yourself, because, as Dr. Seuss says
"Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."

During my counseling we talked about some pretty heavy stuff, dug deep underneath the layers to get to the source.  And yet tonight this simple message of caring cut through all the chaos and provided a balm for my hurting heart.
Sometimes you just need to know that someone cares. 

Thank you. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


When a friend leaves you, it feels like they've died, on purpose. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


A friend just posted this on Facebook and I thought OMG, this is ME! ... Although I wouldn't go as far as to call myself a girl, not ever in fact, but I can't deny that the shoe fits.

But you know, whoever made this probably doesn't know me, so the problem has to be more common than I thought. 

... Apparently I'm not a "horrid monster" after all. Just a human being struggling like everyone else to do the best I can with what I've been given. :) 

Friday, November 15, 2013

a prayer

I promise to always try to live with an open heart and to love deeply, no matter how many times I am hurt, no matter how often I am told that I am not worth being loved in return.

I promise to accept that loving with an open heart means that I am vulnerable, that the two go hand in hand.  But I will not apologize for my vulnerability to those who reject me, nor will I accept that I am to blame for it, for I know that vulnerability is what allows me to love as I do.

I will not apologize for needing to be loved, nor for asking for it, or hoping for it, or even expecting it when I've been given reason to.  But if it is my lot to always have to do without, then I promise that I will try very hard to make my own loving be that which fulfills my need.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


As  I am thinking about the events that have occurred in my life this week, both the joyful and the sad, and about how such emotions can exist in ones life at the same time,  I find peace in the words that Reverend Shana,  (my  First Unitarian Church of Victoria Minister) shared with me:

“The choice to bless the world is more than an act of will,
a moving forward into the world
with the Intention to do good.
It is an act of recognition, a confession of surprise, a grateful acknowledgment
that in the midst of a broken world
Unspeakable beauty, grace and mystery abide.” 
From ‘Choose to Bless the world’ ~ Rev. Rebecca Parker, President of the Starr King School for the Unitarian Universalist ministry, Berkeley, CA.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Mixed feelings

How can life hold such joy and such sorrow at one time? 

My heart hurts so much I can't bear it.

To anyone who doesn't believe that my love is genuine. I just said good-bye to someone I love very much because I cant stand to hurt her anymore.  Part of me, the part that feels devastated  about  what I just lost, can't believe I would make such a sacrifice. The other half knowing that I would do anything for those I love is not surprised, and is proud that I have followed through with my conviction. 

Right now I don't know whether to pat myself on the back, or scream at myself, "traitor, what have you done!!!? 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Wish me luck

So I think I'm prepared for tomorrow's service. ... I wish I could tell someone about it tonight.  but I don't like blowing my own horn, and I don't think I should talk about this on Facebook. My bit's only about 4 minutes long, but still, it's means a lot to me, and I want to do a good job

I could use a bit of cheerleading support right now. Alison's not much into that sort of thing. So I'm hoping that at least maybe there's someone out there listening who wishes me well... 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Truth is like a river

No two rivers are alike, each changing direction and flow as they course through their own unique landscape, fitting perfectly to every hill and vale, every rock or soft yielding shore. 

 To state that ones own truth is more valid then the next is like expecting all rivers to flow the same way regardless of the lay of the land they inhabit.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Gone fishing

I can't stop looking at this photo of my Dad's tombstone.  It's very strange to think that the man who was my father lies beneath that freshly turned grey and rocky soil, dead, and soon to rot.  It's funny how I don't think of him in heaven or in hell, even though I like to believe there  is something more after we die.

Maybe his soul has already passed on to another, and he's already beginning a new life as someone else's child, later to be someone else's spouse, and someone elses parent... Regardless of where his soul has gone, I feel certain that the man that was my father doesn't exist anymore, and I feel a strange sense of peace with that thought, for both he and I.

All that yelling and fighting, the anger and the drinking, the hate...  it must have been just as awful for him as it was for the rest of us. I can't imagine it not being so.  He was a mean bastard, there's no doubt about that, and yet now that he's dead, now that he and I have shed all the hurt that came between us in our lives together, I can now see the good things that I got from him. Nothing is as black and white as we make it out to be.

Looking at this tombstone I remember - from my Dad I got my love of nature. He'd take me fishing, and blueberry picking; every Christmas we'd all go out into the woods to choose and cut down our tree,  and every spring, after a cold hard winter we go off in the car, and walk for hours along old hauling roads so that we could find and bring back bunches of May Flowers for my Mom. 

In the summer, whenever the mood struck, we'd  take the punt out to the mouth of the harbour where we lived.  We'd sit there for hours with our fishing lines cast over the side of the boat, letting the weight of the baited hook sink to the bottom where the big fish were, giving it a jig now and then to get their attention.  We'd share the joy of each others catch, - cod or pollock, the occasional flounder or haddock, and once a year we'd fill the boat up with mackerel, and in turn fill up the freezer with our catch. 

Whenever we had fish for supper I felt proud that I had played a part in providing it, and I dont know if it's just wishful thinking or not, but I swear my Dad and I shared a look and a secret smile when the fish was layed out on our plates.  I don't know if my father meant for me to learn these simple lessons or not, but it was something very good that we shared, and to this day I love being in the natural world. I find peace and connection there, when I'm sitting beside a bonfire, or  when I'm out on the lake in my kayak. I'll spend hours fishing,  even if there's nothing for me to catch. But when I do catch something and I bring it back to the campsite to share with my Wife, there's nothing finer then knowing I  provided that simple meal.

Even when my Dad was dieing in the hospital, he  talked about how he hoped he could get out and go fishing soon. There's no doubt in my mind, that like I do, he got something more from the activity than just a pleasant pastime.  He never left the hospital; he died only two months after being admitted to the cancer ward. My brother Paul cried because he couldn't give him his wish, couldn't take him fishing before he died. 

So when I look at my Dad's tombstone and read 'Gone Fishing' it's nice to think that if there is such thing as heaven, that where my Dad has gone there's this big lake with lots of fish in it for him to catch.  And I've no doubt, that if that place exists  I'll be joining him there when I die. And maybe someone will write 'Gone Fishing on my tombstone as well. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Their Loss or Mine?

A friend of mine has always told me that when he loses a friend he tells himself it's their loss, but I've never understood that way of thinking, because I've always seen myself as the one left behind. The one doing the leaving thinks it's a good idea, while I'm the one that's sad because they're gone.

But now I think I'm beginning to understand what my friend meant. If someone I've become friends with decides to make a retreat or end the relationship, I shouldn't always take it so personally, especially now when I'm in the middle of a transition.  For one reason or another, that friend no longer identifies with who I am now, or where they think I'm going. But the thing is, I do!  I really do!

I may be losing friends because I am changing, but I'm gaining them for the same reason, - those who appreciate me how I am now, not how I was.  Perhaps when I lose a friend I should see it as a sign that I'm not standing still. It's highly likely that I'm the one that's growing and moving on (perhaps we both are). If I believe in myself and trust in the direction I've chosen, which I do, then I have to believe that what I have to give another in friendship or in love is worthy of another choosing to walk with me, ... and since I believe that where I am going is a wonderful place, then it is in fact their loss, as well as mine, if they don't choose to share it with me.

But those who share the path with me NOW, those are the ones that matter the most! They're the ones who I admire and who inspire me, and perhaps the fact that they have chosen to walk with me as well, means that they admire me, and I inspire them....

Whoa!  I really like how that feels, that I can be inspiring to another.

Thank you Mike and Oz, for sharing your wisdom on this subject with me. It's certainly taken me some time to make it my own. I'm hoping that means that I will remember it and be able to keep it, because I think this might be something I really need to keep.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Copy Writer; I like how that sounds!

So I just did something spontaneous and outrageous, something that someone, like me, someone without much confidence, just doesn't do without weeks of painstaking thought, soul searching and preparation.  ... I signed up at Textbroker to be a copy writer!

Hell, I don't know, maybe in my efforts to stroke my own ego I have erroneously convinced myself that I can write, and that it's possible for me to make a bit of money doing it, or maybe I'm just bored and desperate and need to start a new project to feel useful and alive again.

Regardless of which case is closer to the truth, it's a done deal.  I've registered, and I've written the required short article so that the folks at Textbroker can give my writing skills a rating. The rating they give will decide how much I  get paid per word. It's a starting rate, and that can change as you become more experienced, so I don't have to worry that what I submitted is the be all and end all of my writing career.

There were a couple of topics  I could choose from, nothing to inspiring: sight seeing in your home town; where to party in your favourite city; describe an object, or, write about your favourite brand....  Well, I'm not much of a brand person, but I did recently drink an enjoyable bottle of merlot, so I took advantage of a recent blog post of mine, revamped it, and submitted it as my evaluating article.

It was fun to do. Now I'm hoping that the folks at Textbroker will enjoy reading it  at least half as much as I did writing it, even if I did stretch the boundaries of the topic, just a bit.

Here it is for your pleasure, and unbiased scrutiny:

I found this bottle of wine, called Screw it Merlot in the liquor store tonight. It has a bold, full bodied flavour, with a fruity finish, and with a name like Screw it!, it’s the perfect wine to say good riddance to a stressful work week or an unrequited love affair.

I don’t like myself much when I’m stressed out; I’m not proud of who I become when others reject, or dump their baggage onto me; I don’t bear it well.  But once the weekend arrives, I can put my feet up and relax with a glass or two of this charming Merlot and say screw it all, and by Monday morning I’ll be back to being my old lovable self once more. 

Who knows, maybe if I can turn that charm up just a notch or two, I won’t have to sit home alone next Friday night as well. 

Friday, May 31, 2013

Happy Birthday Dear Daughter - fantasy birthday greeting

Happy birthday Dear daughter. I don’t think I have ever told you how very much I love you. From the moment I saw your eyes looking up at me, my heart melted with love, and I knew I would do anything to take care of you. I have been so proud of you, watching you grow up into the fine woman that you are today. You have a good and kind heart, and nothing makes me happier than to see life reward you for all the love that you give.  

May your life continue to be filled with all the joy and happiness that you so rightfully deserve.

With all my Love,

Thursday, May 23, 2013


I don't think I've ever loved anyone and not been hurt.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Good-Bye Dad

The Side-Hill Rabbit

This is a good spot to catch a rabbit, the man nodded as he rested his rifle against the tree. “Don’t you know about the Side-Hill Rabbit?” he asked when he saw the look of confusion on his young daughters face. The child looking up at him shook her head no. 

Sitting back against the boulder, he took the bottle of brandy that his daughter had been carrying for him, twisted off the cap and then took a swig. 

“The Side-hill rabbit’s legs are shorter on one side of his body”, he continued. “He can only go in one direction. All we have to do is wait till he comes back back around, and then boom, we got ourselves a bunny!”
He took another swig of brandy and replacing the cap and picking up his rifle, he handed the bottle back to his daugher. 

“I’m just going to go down the hill a bit there to see if can cut him off; you stay here. Don’t worry”, he laughed, “if I don’t come back you got the brandy to keep you warm.”

Freeman Edgar Levy passed away this morning at around 1am. If God is someone we meet when we die, may my Dad be greeted with open arms.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Screw it!

The words around the diamond say: Do what you want!; Be good to yourself!;
Treat yourself well!, and: Seize the moment!

Found this wine in the liquor store tonight. It's seems an appropriate wine to say good riddance to this past month with.

I don't like myself much when I'm hurting and defensive; I'm not proud of who I become when I allow others to dump their baggage onto me. I don't bear it well.

 It's time to get back on the track to being me. Hopefully, the next time something like this happens I'll be strong enough that I won't  have to fight so hard to maintain the self I've worked so hard to become.


Five out of twenty

Five out of twenty people I invited to read my blog are on it's readers list.  I added the other's to the emailing list,  I have no idea if they will get it, but it's pretty certain that they can't respond to, and right now I really can use the support of my friends. 

I suppose  I shouldn't be thinking about the people who didn't accept the invitation, just the people that did.  Thank you.  

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

By invitation only

My apologies to anyone who's following this blog. If you are still interested in doing so, please write to me at and I will tell you how to.  Patty Marie Claire Harrington, someone who has made herself an enemy of mine, has decided to involve herself in the problems I am having with my mother, and making this blog invitation only is the only way I know of to make her mind her own business.

I am very sorry.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Dear Mom

Dear Mom;

I am writing this in an attempt to release myself from the hurt and blame that you bestowed upon me when I visited you at the beginning of this Month, and I'm writing it in here instead of sending it to you, because I know it will fall on deaf ears, and you will not hear what I need to say.

 I did not ruin the perfect visit that you had planned for me, as you said I did. I did not abuse you the whole time I was there, and I certainly am not responsible for the misery you experienced while I was growing up. I was just a child; I wasn't suppose to be responsible for anything but growing up; it was suppose to be the other way around.

I did not mean to insult you by telling you that your snoring was keeping me awake. I would not have said anything except for the fact that after a long day of traveling, the four hours time difference, and three nights of not being able to sleep, I was exhausted and at my wits end. I badly needed a good nights sleep, and because you told me I was also keeping you awake with my snoring when I finally did sleep, I did not see any harm with suggesting that I move to the living room. I had no idea my suggestion would be such a problem for you.

After you went to sleep with Andre out in the living room on the pull-out couch, I had every right to close the bedroom door to afford myself some privacy. I am an adult, and it was my business if I wanted to put up with the air not circulating into that room well enough to keep it at optimal temperature. Neither you or Andre had any right to scream at me as if I were some errant child to "leave the fucking door open!"  ... And when you finally DID allow me to sleep on the couch, after a couple nights of it hurting your back so much that you couldn't bear it any longer, I did not break it because I was 'too big for it',  like you said I would.

Despite what you and Dr. Oz say about anti-depressants destroying your brain, I will continue to take what my doctor has prescribed for me because I feel they help me. This however, is not meant in anyway as a slight to you, even though you stated it very clearly that I was wrong and that I will one day regret not listening to my mother.

When I disagreed with you that having already paid for the use of the Queens name was the reason three Canadian cities called their hospitals: The Queen Elizabeth 2, I was not implying, thinking, or meaning to say that you were stupid. I am so very sorry you took it so. I believe that people can have different opinions and not think each other stupid.  I am 53 years old and I have lived long enough to have developed my own opinions separate from yours, but that does not mean that I don't respect your opinion, or you, for that matter.  Please believe this.

I did not develop an allergy to frangrances  just to cause you and Andre grief, and the allergic reaction I had while there was not not meant to slight you in anyway. I fail to understand why it angered you both so very much. I've had these allergies for a long time now, and you  knew I had them, yet you did nothing to prepare for my visit, and then you act as if I've made an imposition. Once I noticed that I was having a problem I upped my daily dose of antihistamine.  I did not ask you stop washing your hair because of fragrance in your shampoo, and I felt it was very hurtful of you to use that  as an excuse why you couldn't take me into town to see my father on my last day there.

Despite what you think, I AM worth you letting me use your fragrance free laundry detergent, and I AM worth sharing your expensive healthy margarine with. If healthy is good for you, then it's just as good for me. I am your daughter, you're suppose to want to share the good things with me, not tell me that I'm not good enough to.

I am sorry I didn't turn out the way you wanted me too. I am sorry I not a good enough daughter; I am sorry that I was ever born. There, is that apology enough for you?

I am having a really bad day.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Good intentions

Today is my last day in Nova Scotia. I had planned to say goodbye to my Father, but my Mom told me, after it was too late to catch the last bus into town, that she didn't say she would drive me like I thought she had, said she's taken me in enough. I don't know if my being there made any difference to my Dad, and now my Mom is telling me that I am driving her crazy enough for her to kill herself and that I wouldn't care if she did, and that I was the one that made her life a living hell when I was growing up.

This trip was a mistake.

- Written on April 8th, but not published until today.  - Sometimes it IS necessary to say things that might hurt another, especially when that other has burdened you with guilt and you want to free yourself from it.  

Monday, April 1, 2013


I think I had to come back home to realize just how much I am no longer defined by my past, how far I've come, and how strong I really am.

I can forgive my father because he no longer has any power over me. It's not just that he is old and weak and dying, or that he's not the same man he once was, it's more to do with the changes that have occurred in me. The power of who I am belongs to me now. I now make the choices that define who I am, and the choices I've made, make it so that I can see him for who he is now, and forgive him for a past that no longer exists.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Letting the past go

Well, I phoned my Father, and I forgave him the moment I heard his voice.

I was halfway there by the time I had made the decision to call him. I thought about what it would be like to die with regret, knowing that your family didn't even care enough to say goodbye to you, and I thought that would be a terrible way for anyone to die. If that was how my Father was feeling,  then I wasn't going to be the one responsible for him having to take it to his grave. Death is so final, ya know? So I phoned.

I expected him to say something sarcastic and mean to me when he answered the phone, but he didn't; he even thanked me, twice, something that I don't ever remember him doing before, and the second time sounded sincere enough for me to believe that he was thanking me for forgiving him.   Suddenly the power had shifted; he no longer held it over me. The hate I had been carrying around for years just vanished. It just disappeared, just like that. Poof!

It's true you know what they say about feeling lighter when you let the past go and you forgive someone. It really is.  -  I don't condone what he did to his family, to me and my Mom especially, but he's not the same man he use to be. He's old and he's dying,  and he's grateful for what he receives - I just got off the phone with him now, and he thanked me again. It blows me away every time I hear it.

Today he asked me if I was home yet.  I thought at first that he was a little confused, so I explained that I was home, here in Victoria.  He then told me that 'they', I think he meant my brother and his wife, had told him that I was coming to visit, so the home he was talking about was there in Nova Scotia, in Halifax, with him. When I told him I didn't know if I could come, he said "Oh well", but I could hear the disappointment in his voice plain as day...

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Mantra, part II

iPod wallpaper - I see this everytime I turn my ipod on or wake it from sleep. It feels a little silly, but it seems to be doing the trick. :)

Thursday, March 7, 2013


So my father's collapsed, and is now in the hospital. he's just been diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer. ... I haven't talked to him in over fifteen years, and now he's dying. My Mom says he could go any minute. She thinks I should phone him.

... Maybe I should phone him, but I don't know what to say. What do you say to your abusive father who's about to die? Part of me actually is thinking 'good riddance'; the other part doesn't really know what to think.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Usually when things are going well, I don't have much to say. The need to express myself isn't so keen then, and I'd rather submerge myself in the living of my life than take the time to write about it. But for me, writing things down seems to help make them more concrete.  Not only do I spend that time focused on the thought, but the act of writing it out clearly enough for another to understand, clarifies it for myself as well. New thoughts become familiar ones that way, and these days, I'm certainly delving into unfamiliar territory, so I figure, I'd better take the time to write this out and make it real.

My counselling sessions with my Therapist are going very well.  We talk about everything, from how to keep my hurt inner child from driving the bus, to whether or not a healthy ego is needed to reach spiritual enlightenment.  - Much of what I held onto for years as truth has been challenged and I've had to discard it. - New thoughts are replacing old ones, road blocks are being destroyed, and my Therapist's voice is becoming part of what I now hear, as I forge new ways of thinking about myself and the world.

This week I have homework. I'm to do two things: one: I am to note whenever I hear that demeaning voice inside my head, write down what it says and then challenge it, and two: find myself a pithy little mantra that I can quickly use to challenge said thoughts in the future. The theory is that the more you think something, the more real it becomes for you. Sort of like how I got here in the first place, only this time with a positive twist.

So I was thinking about this mantra business and I thought maybe it should be something along the lines of  "I am worthy" Nah, I said to myself, that's too general, ...  How about "I am worthy of being loved" getting closer, but still I thought, there's something missing.  And then it came to me: 'I am worth loving' and I then felt that familiar tightness in the back of my throat, and I knew I had hit the nail on the head.

You may think the two things are equal, that being worthy of love, and being worth loving is one in the same, but the first is a definite; it doesn't depend on an outside source, it's dependent on the fact that all people deserve to be loved, and they do.  The latter however, well, that depends wholly on the individual doing the loving, and in my experience, in other people's eyes, I've always seem to fall short.

All though my childhood, my father told me that there was something wrong with me, that I was too deep, that I was too much, that I wasn't worth anything more than his laughter and contempt. I've always tried to be a good person - a worthy person, maybe I've been trying to prove him wrong, I don't know, but it seems that no matter how good I've been, how wide I've opened my heart, or how deeply I love, there's always a reason why those I do love leave me, and each time someone does, it confirms what my father repeatedly told me, that I'm not worth loving.

... It's taken me a long time to write this blog post, each time I come to this point I get stuck in the emotion of it, and I have to take a break to regain control.  It's still with me; it's not my words, not my opinion, and now I don't even believe it's the opinion of the friends that have left me, but even though I've fought it all my life, there's still something deep inside that keeps telling me that there is something intrinsically wrong with me! I hear it in every rejection, in every slight, and every time someone I care about doesn't have time for me; I am too deep, too sensitive, too stupid, too much. I am not worth loving.

But the thing is, I've been working on these things with my Therapist,  and I've been making progress. I've not been allowing myself to think that every time someone doesn't have time for me it means that they are thinking I'm not worth their time. I've been refusing to believe that every imagined slight is anything more than my being more sensitive than the other about such things. I've not been letting myself react to what I would have seen in the past as rejection, because I now know that the stories I tell myself aren't always true, and my reacting as if they are turns me into someone I don't want to be.  It's tough, mindful work, but it's obviously been worth it because I haven't offended a friend since I began therapy, and I haven't heard that demeaning voice that my Therapist told me to watch out for all week. so there has to be something more, doesn't there? I mean, I know that voice is still there just waiting for me to let down my guard...

I'm always amazed at how the otherwise unrelated events in my life always seem relevant to what's happening with me at the time... a couple of days ago a friend shared this inspirational message on his Facebook page. "she decided to see how her life would change if she dropped the assumption she needed fixing." -  It made me chuckle at first. If we have to tell ourselves these things in the first place, I thought, it means that something needs to be fixed, and I wondered what my Therapist would say about this idea... Not only does it seem too simple a solution, it would put him out of a job if everyone discovered this secret.  - And then I heard his words, plain as day inside of my head. - I could be poetic here and say that his voice rose up out of the muddle of my cluttered psyche, but to be honest, I simply remembered what he's been telling me, and so it went something like this:

It's not your fault. You are not what needs to be fixed. It's the programming that you were given that's faulty. It's not you.

It's not me. I'm not what needs fixing. You can not imagine how many times I've heard that there is something WRONG with ME. I grew up hearing it almost daily, and every time I've had a falling out with a friend or loved one, their telling me that its my fault, that I have a problem cuts into the core of my being so deeply I feel sometimes that there's nothing left of me but raw open wounds and half healed scars.  Heck, I'm seeing a Therapist because there's something wrong with me. I believe it!

 But how would my life change if I dropped the assumption that I needed fixing? What if I simply stop believing that if I lose a friend it's my fault? What would happen if I told that voice hiding inside of me waiting for me to let my guard down, waiting for me to be vulnerable so that it can break into it's chorus of  'I told you so's, that I won't listen to it anymore, that I will no longer believe what it's been telling me? Is it that simple?

Well, I guess I'm about to find out, because I now have that mantra that my Therapist suggested I find. It's a little long, and it may get shortened with time,  but right now I think it's important that I address the true cause of my problems:

"Go away old man I'm not listening to you anymore. There's nothing wrong with me. The problem's been you all along."

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Sometimes, like tonight, I think there will never be an end to this loneliness that I feel, that the close connection with another that I so crave will always elude me.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Free and easy vs committed friendship

I just woke up, right up from a dead sleep, or what I thought was one, to this thought: "I've got free and easy up the ying-yang, what am I doing looking to have more of that in my life?"

No offense to anyone I've been talking to recently about the subject; I do love you and appreciate your friendships very much, but my problem isn't that I need more free and easy. I've got over one hundred friends on Facebook, and no offense to any of them either; I think it's great that we can connect the way we do. There's a certain intimacy to the availability of the communication we share, something I think we all crave, but I want and need something more in my life as well, at least from a specific few.

The thing is, I make a commitment in my heart to the friends that I love, whether you are online or not, and whether I tell you or not, chances are that I have, I promise you that I will be there for you however I can, and it's not just a responsibility to me, it's a joy and a pleasure.

I'm not a free and easy come and go friend; I am a committed friend. I promise you that I will do the best I can to provide you with the things that you need from our friendship, and no matter what happens in my life, even if it's a problem between the two of us, I make certain that you know that you are a priority of mine.

No offense meant to anyone, but more free and easy is not what I need right now. I need friends that won't disappear out of my life because the important things in their life demand their attention. I need friends that want me to know that I am an important part of their life just like those other things, and I need friends that have no problem telling me this. This is what's lacking in my life, and I don't believe there is something wrong with me because I need theses thing. I think everyone does.

Please don't get me wrong, I so very much appreciate the friendships and connections I have made here online. I met my wife on a newsgroup, so I know that real and devoted friendships can happen here. We are all 'real' people after all. But, - and I'm not certain if its a sign of the times or if its specific to the online communities, from where I sit there doesn't seem to be a lot of commitment made here. Again no disrespect meant, but how can you tell someone that they are a real friend if you can't give them something of that commitment, and how can someone believe they are important to you when everything in your concrete life takes precedence over them?
My reason for writing this is not to say that my online friendships aren't good enough, (believe me, somedays I don't know what I'd do without you), but to confirm, to myself more than anyone else, that I should be able to expect a higher level of commitment from some.

If that's not you, please don't be offended by this post, but I need to put my energy into finding and making those friendships, because right now, that's what's lacking in my life, and I deserve to have it.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Sabotage, or foreword thinking?

I'm wondering if I reveal so much about myself at the beginning, so that I don't have to suffer the rejection later, when my heart is involved.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


So my Therapist tells me that my sensitivity, the breadth and depth of the emotions I feel is part of my personality. The fact that I feel things deeply is who I am, and that is not going to change no matter how much therapy I undergo.

Some, those who exist in a very limited range of emotions, may think that what I feel extends beyond the limits of control,  but I have never crossed the lines into impulsive or reckless behaviour, and I have never, not since I started taking anti depressants three years ago, sunk into despair enough to withdraw from the world.  If I were to draw you a diagram of the range of emotions I feel, I think it would be almost twice as wide and with twice as much oscillation than that of the average person.

But because I am different from the norm, I shouldn't have to apologize to anyone for it. And no one has the right to tell me that I have to change how I am to fit into their idea of what they think is the proper way to behave, or tell me that I am not being responsible if I give myself permission to feel the way I do or express those feelings.  I feel things deeply and this is part of who I am; it is my nature, and basically what you see is what you get. I will never again let anyone tell me that there is something wrong with me because I am different from them...

But having said that, I have felt many strong emotions because my thoughts have mislead me, and  I have been so preoccupied with always telling the truth, I didn't take the time to consider how very subjective my truth can be, to the point where it actually becomes a falsehood.

 Grant it, I do realize that we all see things though our own eyes, and all truths are to a certain degree, subjective, but what I didn't realize was how profoundly my past could colour how I interpret the world around me. So for a very long time I've been reacting to these misleading stories of mine as if they were the truth and that I had no other choice but to tell it.

I can best describe the discontinuity between what is real, and the stories I've been telling myself, by describing something that happened last week:   A friend of mine is recovering from an operation. She is experiencing a lot of pain and so her stress tolerance is  low. After a misunderstanding between her and I, and a confrontation with another, she told me that it was all too much for her and that she was going to take a break from being online.  I agreed that it was a good idea; I didn't like seeing her stressed like that when she should be resting and healing, and I didn't like it that I was partly to blame.  So I told her that she should take care of herself, and that I would use the time to practice becoming aware of when it was that I start thinking that she (or any friend) is not communicating with me because she (or they), want to back out of our friendship. (If you have been reading my blog, and I'm not sure anyone really has, except maybe a bunch of bots in Russia, you'll know that I've been seeing a Therapist because I've been having a problem with maintaining close friendships, and it became quite obvious to me that my reactions to what I falsely see as signs that those I love are leaving me, is the reason for this.)

So like I was saying, I was happy to let my friend disappear out of my awareness for a time, knowing that she was doing so because it was something she needed to do. I was completely aware that her  reasons for this were because of her low tolerance to stress, and that it was a good idea for her to be calm and quiet so that she could concentrate on her recovery, and I agreed whole-heartedly, wanting nothing more than for her to get well and strong again.  But not more then twenty minutes had passed since I had talked to her about it, that I started thinking that I wasn't good enough to be in her life. ... If I was,  she would want to remain in contact with me because doing so would help her through this difficult time. ... Not twenty minutes, and the doubt inside of me started to eat away at my understanding and resolve to be a good friend.

The idea that I wasn't good enough didn't come from her; she didn't say a word to imply it.  And it really didn't come from me either; it came from my past. My father had planted that thought into me, programmed me with idea that I wasn't worthy of his attention, that I was contemptible, that I was too deep, too much, too stupid, something to be scorned and laughed at, not loved...  (breathe...) ... and so whenever I up the ante in a friendship, I start believing that those I've come to care about will think these things of me, and I see the signs of this subjective truth every time there's an ebb in a close friendship, every time the connection is stretched, every time I am left alone.

The change over from rational, understanding adult, to anxious and self-absorbed child has in the past happened so quickly, so seamlessly, that I've been unaware of the change. Usually the story continues with my feeling so shameful of my unworthiness that the only way I can cope with it is to defend myself against the person who I think is seeing me as unworthy - the friend who I think is trying to back away. (flight or fight response) I'd stew on it for what seems like a very long time, (in reality only a few short hours, or a three quarters of a day at the most) and then confront them with their insult, rejection, disrespect, - however it is that I am interpreting it at the time.  And they, unaware of the story that's been playing out in my head, are confused and hurt by my accusations. They object, and I immediately come back into my adult self,  and in turn, I feel shameful that I treated them so terribly, adding yet another layer to my unworthiness.

But this time, because I've been talking for a couple of weeks to my Therapist about these alternate realities and because I am now seeing them for the false truths that they really are, I caught the moment where the change over from rational understanding adult to anxious child was about to occur, and I stopped it from happening.  I admit, there was a bit of a back and forth, a struggle to determine who was going to drive the bus, but ultimately, the adult won.

My Therapist thought this was wonderful news, but I need it to somehow become part of my reality outside of his office for it to be real.  ... I told my partner, but I don't think she's into this psychology stuff enough to realize how big of a moment this is. The fact that I was able to stop that old tape from playing again gives me hope that I will be able to control this thing that I do, and once and for all, get my fathers voice out of my head!

I need to share this achievement with someone, and for some reason writing it down makes it more concrete for me.  ... Whoever you are, and if you are anyone at all, thank you for reading. I really appreciate thinking that I have someone to share this good news with.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Needing a lift off this highway to unworthy

I thought I was doing alright not having anyone to talk to. I'm keeping my house clean, putting a big effort into my church's weekly newsletter, doing 30 minutes/10 km a day on my exercise bike, and I'm enjoying photographing the birds at my feeders, but it's all too quiet. There's only so much me time a person can take. Like everyone, I need intimate interaction with others to maintain a balance, and right now I am feeling so lonely and isolated it's hard not to feel sorry for myself.

Turns out that I don't have BPD after all, just an attachment theory problem that causes me to believe that every time I love someone they will find me unworthy of their regard.  Unless the other needs me in some way, I don't feel secure in the relationship. Plain and simply, I expect from the world what I got from my parents. It's what I was taught to expect.  It's not exactly hard wired, it's not part of my personality, but it was programmed into me at an early age, and I haven't exactly had a lot of close friends who've managed to stay the course long enough to change that theory.  Truth is I scare them all away when they see what they think is my over reacting to what I'm thinking is a sign of their disregard.  They pull away, I panic, I try to stop them from leaving; they pull away some more... It's my worse nightmare come true, and it happens again again.  ...I don't think people would think it was over reacting if they experienced what I do.

According to my Therapist this path of expectation is so huge, so well worn, it's a honking big highway, and I can't see any other way because I'm stuck right in the damn middle of it, already half way there to unworthy and "good-bye, it was nice knowing ya".  With my Therapist's help, I've gotta somehow make myself take another route, start forging another path, and then little by little make that path broad and deep enough to provide me with an alternate route, a choice.

At this point though, all I can see in the isolation I feel.  It's so heavy and thick tonight that I can taste it in the back of my throat.  I can't see how I'm going to learn how to stop myself from thinking that those I come to love are going to find me unworthy and then leave me, when nearly everyone of them has already left, and those that haven't, are keeping a safe distance between me and them.

I remember when I was a teenager, if I wanted to see my friends  I'd have to hitch hike to the town where they lived. Sometimes I'd have to walk for hours on an unlit bit of road, feeling a bit frightened and very much alone...

Do you think if I stick out my thumb long enough, someone will come along and give me a lift?

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Why is it so hard?

So I go to my church, and there I learn about all the good things that come from opening our hearts and giving, about how this allows us to be our best selves, and I think to myself, yes, this is who I am, this is what I do best. I am worthy.

And then I remember the friends that I have lost because being my friend was too difficult for them, and about how I'm staying away from someone I love because she isn't well and having me in her life is too stressful for her. :(

So then I wonder why I let myself believe that I was good enough to consider myself worthy if I can't even give those I love enough reason to keep me around.

Why is it so difficult for me, when I try so very hard?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

For their own good.

Leaving someone you care about alone because they are better off without you, has gotta be one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

I'm feeling better

I made an appointment to see a Registered Clinical Counsellor on Monday Night. So I have hope again. :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Heck of a predicament for a 'people person' to be in

I went to see the counsellor that The Citizens Counselling Centre set me up with, and I'm disappointed.

We talked for an hour, about what I wanted from the sessions, about my growing up, about my relationship with my parents, my relationship with my wife - getting to know me kind of stuff. ... Anyway, when we were finished I asked what her credentials were. She told me she was just a counsellor, not a  registered counsellor, not a clinical counsellor, but someone just finishing up her social workers degree, trained by the Centre, to, as she put it, give back to society.

When I mentioned I identified strongly with at least three of the symptoms of BPD, and somewhat with 2 others, possibly adding up to the 5 symptoms needed to diagnose someone with the disorder. She told me she wouldn't be able to do that, that she was someone I could talk to and that was basically it.  She told me that a lot can be accomplished by becoming aware of a problem. I told her that being 'aware' out here in the quiet and the calm, hasn't really had that much affect on my behaviour when I've lost control of my emotions, and I'm feeling that the things I say and do are the only way I know how to cope. (Scary stuff, huh?)  Yeah, I need therapy, not counselling.

I was under the impression that I could at least be diagnosed enough at the centre to be referred to some other place, or someone else who better suited my needs, but it looks like that's not about to happen.

The woman I saw tonight suggested that if that is what I wanted, I should make an appointment with my medical doctor, and get a referral from her to be seen by a professional who could make a diagnoses, which could take a very long time before I even get to see that someone.

I don't know what to do.

I've looked up Registered Clinical Counsellors in Victoria, and there are three listed who say they know something about BPD, and only one who says they use Dialectical behaviour therapy, (that which has been proven to be most effective on BPD symptoms). All say they have a sliding fee, but two say their average fee is $100 to $110 an hour, and the one who does DBT, her average fee is listed as $100 - $150 an hour. I can't afford that, we can't afford that.  .... I don't even understand how anyone could.

... There's a Clinical Counsellor in the same building as the Citizens Counselling Centre. He has a sliding scale fee. Based on our income, it would be about $60 an hour , which we could just afford,  but he doesn't list BPD as something he deals with, and doesn't offer any of the therapies that are know as being affective in treating the symptoms.

Even if I am diagnosed with BPD, private therapy is not covered by the provincial health insurance, unless it is given by a psychologist who works for a government institution, hospital, community clinic, or school, again, another waiting list. -  Right about then I'd be hoping for a full Borderline Personality Disorder diagnose so that I'd qualify for assistance, otherwise, I'd have to have a private health insurance plan to cover the bill, and it's been two years and I still haven't convinced my partner to take the time to add me to her plan.  I don't even know what's covered under it.

I don't know what to do.  Right now it seems that the only real solution is to avoid developing  close friendships where my need for connection maybe satisfied; that way I won't fear losing them, and then push them away with my inappropriate attempts to keep them from leaving me.

Heck of a predicament for a 'people person' to be in.