
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I'm not going anywhere

...And then they leave; the last one less than a day after she said that. How many times do you think someone can have this happen to them before they come to a grinding stop?

I use to marvel at my ability to keep going, despite how many times I got hurt.. I believed in the power of love and I defiantly bared my heart to the world. But I think I just reached my limit. I can't have this happen to me ever again. I just cant.

I really don't think anyone knows what this feels like until they experience it themselves; I've never felt anything so debilitating in all my life. Part of me wants to curl up into a tight ball and hide, the other wants to kick and scream and break out of this box that is closing in around me, neither leaving me with enough will power to accomplish the other.

And so I'm stuck here pacing back and forth like a caged animal, unable to break free, and incapable of laying down to die.

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