
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Write what you know

Today I feel like a writer again. Imagine that. Last night after spending the day swirling around in the a dark hole of self pity, I remembered a story that's been niggling at me to be written. The subject of the story is something I personally relate to, and I've been apprehensive to write something that reflected so closely my own experiences. I've always believed the advice that we should write from what we know, but I've taken that to mean something more general, like drawing bits and pieces from our life experiences and using those bits to give substance to what we create.

I stayed up until two am last night writing, and today I know how the story is going to end, I just have to get it down. Maybe staring at the lint in my navel isn't such a bad thing to do occasionally; after all, it's what I know best, and if I'm not writing from within myself, who's voice would I be using anyway?


  1. Thank you so much for your kind thoughtful words on my blog, Dar.
    I find any writing has something of ourselves in it even if its fiction. We draw from all we have experience to understand how our characters will feel and behave.

    Good luck with your writing, my dear friend and thank you once again.


  2. I agree with you Annie, and if there is anyone out there that doesn't understand the depths we have to draw from, let them try writing a sex story. ... Whoa! LOL.

    And you're more than welcome. This writing business is such an emotional roller coaster, we writer types have to stick together! Feel free to stop by anytime and I'll always put the kettle on to make you a nice strong cup of tea.
    Take care my friend.

  3. Hi
    I hope you don't mind me calling by but I've just come from Annie Wicking's writing blog and I saw your comment and support of her.
    Whilst reading it, I spotted that you have a dog called Fizz.
    Well, what a do I. Ha.
    I just felt the need to share this with you.
    I will send you a link to a blog page with my little pooch on and I would love to see yours.
