
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Should I stay, or should I go?

When those around you don't seem to accept you for who you are, you have two choices, either accept that and hang around, or accept that and move on. Which would you do? (Title for this blog respectfully taken from the song: 'Should I Stay or Should I Go?' by The Clash)


  1. Hhhmmm. Very tricky one. I suppose it depends who 'they' are. If it's friends, and this is only from my experience, I've walked away. Or in some cases, they've walked away from me:-) If people can't accept you for who you are, it's pointless trying to change them. People don't change that much.
    If it's family - more difficult and I'm still trying to work that one out. You've got me thinking now:-)

  2. Wow! Like Lane said it's a hard one... You have to decide which makes you hurt the least and is the easiest to live with. If you walk away and the pain of leaving is the stronger then you wish you stayed and worked things through somehow.

    Sometimes, there are no easy answers only the unknown.

    Just know we are all here for you when you need us my dear friend, Dar.

    Best Wishes & ((Hug))


  3. Thank you Lane and Annie for sharing your opinion. Mostly I'm just musing; I already know what I will do. I do the same thing everytime. I never give up on people, or write them off. Maybe I'm loyal to a fault, and maybe it's just that I can still see the reasons why I would want to have them in my life, regardless of how they think of me... and maybe they have good reason to think the way they do. Life is complicated, so I always keep looking for the beginning, rather than the end.

  4. I move on a fair bit, some situations can't be resolved. I hope I stick by the people that matter though - and maybe that's the test anyway. Very thought provoking post.
