
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Can't even come up with a title for this

So far today the most profound thought I've had is why would someone want to eat bread made without flour? I bought it just to see what it was like. ... It tastes okay, but I can't figure out what keeps it together... Oh well, I guess I can't expect to be inspired if I don't do anything but sit here waiting for inspiration to strike and eating a toasted cheese sandwich, that's just not going to happen. ...I'm thinking today is a good day to go outside and rake up some leaves; at least I'll be able to sleep better tonight knowing that I've done something constructive with my day.


  1. Do you make your own bread?
    I make mine on a Saturday morning then freeze ready to use during the week. My son (who's now 21) still thinks the bread from the shops is the real stuff. When he was little, he wanted real bread like he had at his grandmother and I couldn't get him to eat my homemade bread again.

    Best wishes, ((Hug))

  2. Nah, I don't make bread, just eat it. I love the smell of it baking though, and on the weekends we buy a fresh baked loaf from the bakery on the corner, cut nice thick slices and toast them, spread margarine on them till their dripping and smother them with homemade blackberry jam. The jam's mine though. :)

  3. Yum! Post some over??!!

    I'm trying to get myself together to have a bath!! Incredibly lazy today- been cycling madly everyday into work and knackered today.

    You ever tried Welsh Rarebit? Would highly recommend it.

    Love your photos by the way



  4. Ah, one of those days:-) At least raking leaves is productive. As is eating cheese toasties:-)

    Fizz is a babe!

  5. Hey Butch thanks for stopping by. ...The toast and jam or the odd flourless bread? ;) ... I admit, I had to google Welsh Rarebit... It looks interesting. :) Thanks for the compliment about my pics.

    Thanks Lane; Afraid I'm going though a bit of a writing slump, but I'm getting lots of yard work done. :)

  6. Hope you will soon rise out of your writing slump like the yeast in dough.Sandy

  7. Sandy, I like that simile. I might just steal it sometime. :)

  8. I haven't tried flourless bread, but flourless chocolate cake is delicious!! Mmm...
