
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Is There Anybody Out There?

It's sad to think that in a world so heavily populated as ours, there are so many of us who feel isolated and alone. Many, like myself, start writing a blog because they want a voice, but more importantly I suspect, it's because we need others to want to hear that voice.

I've been told that I wear my heart on my sleeve, that my thoughts and feelings are obvious. I don't see any point to keeping myself hidden behind a facade, either face to face, or in the written word. Life is too short, and the true connections we make are too rare to waste time basing anything on something false or shallow. Sometimes though, I think I am the only one that craves those sorts of meaningful connections. Even with the few close friends that I do have, I feel like there are limitations and conditions on what is shared, and I'm always looking for something deeper, more true, and more meaningful to begin.

I read something once, I don't remember from where, but it said that we are all born feeling the close connection of our mothers, and then spend the rest of our lives trying to find that again. Another bit I once read, again, I don't remember where from, spoke of how it is only through our connections with others that we find the true potential of our individual selves and of ourselves as a species.

I truly believe we were not meant to be so alone. But so many of us keep our thoughts and feelings private. The confines of our daily lives, of commuting, working, and maintaining a home life, don't provide much opportunity to share or connect. Is it any wonder then, that by the end of the day, or a week of day in and day out, we question the meaning of our lives?


  1. There no need to feel alone Dar, please join in my writer's tea party by letting me know want you like to drink and I can add you to my list of friends. When I drop by I can share a cuppa with you while we chat.

    Have a great day,

  2. Annie I've tried now to comment on a couple of posting in your blog, but each time I got a delivery failure notification sent to me by email. I've noticed that you have it set that comments don't appear until you approve them, so is the delivery failure notification something that normally happens with that? ... Hoping you will see this since I find myself at a loss on how else to contact you.

  3. Hi Dar, it's mom, just dropping in to say I love you and hope you find all the happiness you deserve.

  4. You might enjoy reading some writings from the guy I quoted on your "waiting for the bus" picture, Erich Fromm. It is apropos to some of your common themes, and quite fascinating. And for the record, I place great value on honesty and a deep level of communication and connection. I am glad you are my friend!
