Now I know why the phrase working stiff was coined. There are approximately six hundred and forty muscles in the human body, and every one of mine are complaining just now. I only worked four hours today, yesterday two and a half, but when the muscles in my toes started to seize up I figured it was time to call it a day. It won't do anyone any good if I end up flat on my back. I gotta work into this slowly. my muscles have atrophied from sitting at the computer for so long, all expect for my fingers of course; those are in tip top shape, but they're even sore today.
I just had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, (I forgot to take a lunch with me) and it was the most marvelous thing I've ever tasted. It disappeared so quickly though. It was sad, so I got another, this time almond butter and honey. ... Oh my gawd! When people tell you how good you are going to feel when you start working again after being unemployed for a long time, they forget to mention all those little details, like how good your food is going to taste, how much pleasure a bath and a beer afterward will give you, or how much you will look forward to putting your feet up on the couch and dozing off while reading.
Life is good. Funny that, how working my ass off for a few buck can make the little pleasures in life all that much more enjoyable, ... and I haven't even got paid yet. (grin) ... Soon I'll be complaining like all you other working stiffs, that I don't have enough time to do the things I'd rather be doing, like writing, blogging, writing emails to my friends, or even my laundry. I'm actually looking forward to joining the ranks. But for now I'm feeling pretty good about doing what I'm doing, ... and I'll feel even better once I have a nice long soak in the tub. ... That reminds me, I have to buy some beer.
A nice cold beer, yummy, wish I could join you.
ReplyDeleteNot a beer in the house though, ... Oh wait, there's a ginger beer in the cupboard, how about that? :)
ReplyDeleteSounds like things are going really well even if your body is being a bit disapproving at the moment! Hope you enjoyed that ginger beer! QRx
ReplyDeleteI hope that the weather is kind to you. Working outside gives you a lot of time to think.
ReplyDeleteGawd, you sound achey. But in a good way.
ReplyDeleteHope a good soak and a beer, soothes those muscles.
Don't overdo it m'dear and hope the rest of this job goes well, and others are lining up for your services:-)
Hey, I'm forty seven this year, going to school this fall: so when I get out of school I'll be what, forty eight or nine?
ReplyDeleteAnd entering the 'real' world workforce for the first time ...I think it's all in your demeanor, your attitude. Sure I think there are people who are surprised to see me washing dishes at the diner, but I have that can do attitude, and who cares how old I am, as long as I feel and think young. You can do it, and the more you work, the harder you work, the easier it gets, the better you feel, until you'll be like me: strong as an ox and ready for anything.
I love it. No one around here that is my age can keep up with me. Perhaps that is why the thirty somethings are flocking to me, any rate, good for're getting out there, putting the shoulder to the grindstone and getting some good, hard healthy work done.
awesome. It will probably clear your head like you would not believe: you'll find time to write.
Have fun out there and be careful!
Thanks Rose. :) The gingerbeer was great, and it won't be long before my body keeps up.
ReplyDeleteHey Blu, The weather has been very cooperative. :) Unlike most, not having time to think hasn't been a problem for me. It's mostly been the other way around, too time on my hands to do nothing but, and since I have a tendency to let that thinking pull me down, it's good to have something new and positive to do and think about. :)
Ah Lane, things aren't as bad as all that. My muscles haven't really atrophied, not quite, anyway. (grin) It's a good feeling to get back into shape, and with each day I've been able to do a bit more and suffer less because of it. Today my only compliant is a pain in the back of my thighs from all the crouching I've been doing. That will go away soon enough though. ...Caught myself whistling today. :)
And I do have other jobs lined up; this afternoon I had to interrupt the first job to do one that was only for three hours, and there's a neighbour who is planning to fire his two hundred a month garden maintenance company and hire me. A couple of others have stopped me on the street and told me they were impressed with the flyer and are keeping it for future reference. ... I think I gotta get me a cap with a logo ... and business cards too. :)
Zed, you are exactly right! Trouble is, it's not just my attitude it's the employers and with the added, my being unemployed for so long, it's more practical for them to hire someone younger because they can.
The thing is, like you, I've worked at labour jobs most of my working life, and like you, I'd held my own. Because I've been unemployed for so long, I got into the rut of thinking nothing was going to change, and I couldn't change it. (It's that depression thing, you know, it has a way of doing that). I took on the attitude of all those that wouldn't hire me, but not anymore. I know I can do this, and if it doesn't turn out, well I'll think of something else I can do.
Clearing my head is not the only thing it's doing. :)
Yum- almond butter. Send some over will you Dar?
ReplyDeleteGive those toes a good soak and rub.
Passing you the jar.
ReplyDeleteToes are doing fine now Butch. :)
Hope the muscles are feeling a bit better x
ReplyDeleteI'm aching in sympathy wut you.
ReplyDeleteFeeling much better thank you Helen. Worked this morning and hardly have any discomfort at all. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Gonna be; I hope your sympathetic aches go away soon too. :)
How you doing Dar? Up for a challenge? Well you've been tagged so pop over to mine to find out more! QRx
ReplyDeleteHows it going Dar?
ReplyDeleteMy girlfriend has been suffering long unemployment. I brought her to work with me for a week to volunteer and she ended up getting paid. So we were up for a bit when she got that paycheck now we are down again, her more so because of the boredom. She did get a call yesterday there might be something for her to do this summer. So although I myself haven't gone through the unemployment, I really do understand where you are coming from.
ReplyDeleteI'll take care of that tag this weekend. Probably Sunday since I have a job lined up for Saturday.
ReplyDeleteNot bad now Blu, thank you for asking. :)
Hey Del, thanks for stopping by; It's not just boredom your girlfriend suffers from, although, believe me, I've experienced that too, absolute wanting to scream boredom. But the biggest thing people who've been unemployed for a long time have to deal with is their self esteem. Its lack doesn't just come from our own thinking either; most people think all it takes to get a job is a willingness to work, and that attitude only adds to the feeling of worthlessness (if it's so easy, then how come I can't manage it?) . People just don't know how debilitating it can be to be unemployed for such along time. They can't imagine what it's like unless they've experienced it themselves, ... or like you, have someone close to them who has. It's good you understand. :)
Her self-esteem is really low and it doesn't help either that my parents always ask about her employment situation every time they call. People don't realize in a tiny economically depressed town (the mill shut down, the coach plant shut down, the environmentalist blocking everything) that jobs are hard to find, and they usually go to people who they know, not some random girl from out of town who isn't white, has tattoos and looks kind of butch.
ReplyDeleteDel, people don't realize a good thing when they see it. Us butch tattooed grrls work very hard, and that has everything to do with our self esteem. :)
ReplyDeleteTrue that!