I've been pretty low for most of this week. On Sunday my partner's father informed us that he can't help pay our property taxes like he has done in the past, so we have three months to come up with the money, making it somewhere around five hundred dollars a month we have to somehow find to make the payment. Added to that, when I told him about my new self employment he laughed, saying that if I was going to inspire people to hire me to care for their gardens, I would first have to get mine in better shape, and to top things off, my partner's mother offered to pay me to work in my own garden.
I know what my partner's parents opinion of me is, and it's difficult for me not to share it, being that I haven't held down a long term job in more than twenty years, and that my depression had made it so that I couldn't even drum up the enthusiasm needed to take care of my responsibilities here at home. It's difficult for me not to feel like a failure when I've spent most of my life dependent on others, and especially so at this time, when every penny coming into this house is desperately needed.
What had felt like an accomplishment the week before, suddenly didn't measure up, and the pride I felt about having started my little enterprise and gaining a bit of independence from my partner seemed like something only a child should be proud of. All the steam had left me, and I went back to work on Monday feeling like I was working my ass off for nothing. By Tuesday evening I was exhausted, and feeling more than a little sorry for myself.
Even now as I write this I'm struggling to not let these thoughts bring me back down, but the reason I am writing this is not to wallow in my self pity. Thursday afternoon I went back to work and something miraculous happened. I found myself whistling again, ... and that's kind of big in it self, because I don't whistle very well at all. (Grin)
You see, I really do enjoy gardening, and seeing the results of my hard work. I took a few minutes break from my weeding and trimming that afternoon and looked around at what I had done, and it looked very good. There's something very satisfying about tackling the chaos of an overgrown garden and turning it back into something beautiful. I might not have taken a course, or know the latin names of the plants that I'm dealing with, but I have an instinct for it, and I do know what I am doing, and that can only improve with experience.
I'm conscientious, and I'm not afraid of hard work, and this is what I am offering to those who hire me. I just started this business, and even though I might not be raking in the money right now when it is needed, there's no telling what will come of this little venture of mine. It probably never will become a cash cow, but it should gain me a bit of financial independence from my partner. More importantly, it's reminded me of some things about myself that I admire, some very basic things that I had forgotten, and need to hang onto to maintain my self respect.
I was foolish to let someone else's opinion take that away from me after so recently regaining it, and I've made a promised to myself to do everything I can in the future not to let that happen again.
So today, instead of going back to working at that over grown garden, like I had planned, and to tell you the truth, I can't wait to get back at it, I went to visit a couple of prospective clients, a retired man who wants me to maintain his flower beds, not much, but it's good to line up something long term, and a woman who wants me to work for her tomorrow. The later was only suppose to be a couple of hours work, but because of my having popped in to see her today, she's already talking about having me come back to do more, and she hasn't even seen what I'm capable of yet. :)
Now that's the right tude to get Dar. Go out there and pick up more customers. You go Girl!
ReplyDelete(Beaming!) ...It's a feel good 'tude, Jude. (chuckling) ... Sorry I couldn't help myself.
ReplyDeleteThanks. :)
Good for you Dar! Keep your joy it's very precious and rightfully yours. QRx
ReplyDeleteBrilliant stuff. I need a good gardener - shame you are so far away :)
ReplyDelete"From a tiny acorn an oak tree will grow" TFx
ReplyDeleteWonderful News, Dar... keep on whistling and smiling.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes always,
I am glad that the laughing made you more determined to do something that makes you feel good. Meeting all these new people will enrich your life too. Go for it!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you've risen above other people's 'opinions' of you. You know who you are and what you can do - and you're doin' it!
ReplyDeleteKeep whistling m'dear:-)
Thanks Blu; I am going for it, unfortunately, it's leaving me with very little time right now to keep up with people and their blogs. Now I'm having to learn how to balance the things in my life that I want to do. It amazes me how people can do such things. :)
ReplyDeleteHey Lane; I hope your eye are better! Turn down that brightness on your monitor, okay?
Rising above what other people's opinion of me is, has always been a tough one, because I tend to agree with what they are saying. This work I'm doing is something I need to do, it's been giving me back my self-respect. ... Now all I have to do get back to writing as well, and I'll be in my glory. :)
Wow, so now I really know what is going through my girlfriend's head. My parents are...well they are... just too much (its hard to write politely sometimes). Too much for my poor girlfriend who has to hear my response every Sunday to my parents asking her about how her job prospects are going. But seriously when I was working bum jobs (sandwich shop) after getting back from too much schooling she helped me pay my student loan payments, and this was early in the relationship. Why don't people understand that I don't mind taking care of someone I love, even if it makes us both poor for a while? I'll stop now before I get going with that.
ReplyDeleteIts funny though this gardening thing (and the parallels going on here in general). She is going to build a greenhouse and we've already got starts for veggies going. She figured if she is unemployed at least she could provide food for our family so she can feel like she's contributing.
Now that's the ticket; good for her Del! I'm sure you are quite happy to take care of things, and, I'm sure your grrl believes you, but it's not about you and how you feel about things, it's how she feels about herself; that's what has to be fixed. I've got my fingers crossed that the greenhouse is a success!, it doesn't take much more effort to plant a few more seeds and sell transplants.... :)