
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Was it a dream? - Update!

So, I didn't hear anything back from the fellow I talked to about having heard my name, my blog, and my short story mentioned on CBC radio on Friday morning. I was about to chalk it up to a very over active imagination being so abruptly awakened out of REM sleep, or to the derangement caused by a pending head full of mucus and a fever... But tonight at my critique group's meeting I chanced to tell the story yet one more time, and guess what? I'm not going crazy; there's a very plausible explanation.

Apparently on Friday mornings, on CBC 2, Rachel Giese The Web Goddess drops by to give a list of interesting websites she's found during the week. Now I don't know in what context she mentioned me and mine, but now there is a high probability that I wasn't losing my mind after all, and, I might just have a fan out there in radio land. I sent an email off to the hosts of the morning show asking if I could somehow get a transcript of her segment, and tomorrow morning, I will phone the station once more, this time armed with a bit more knowledge backing up my claim.

On other matters, I've been out of the loop for awhile because I've been sick in bed with the flu. Today I managed to spend the whole day out of bed, and so I went to my first fiction critique group meeting tonight and got a lot of good feedback on 'Making it Right'. My eyes no longer ache so much when I look at this monitor, so tomorrow I think I'll be able to get caught up on what everyone's been up to, and maybe I'll even get a bit of writing of my own done.

Anyway, it's been a long day, so I'm off to dream about web goddesses, positive feedback, and great big orange vitamin C tablets that don't taste anything like oranges, despite what is implied on labels packaging. See you tomorrow!


  1. I love the idea of a web goddess finding your blog. This story just gets better.

  2. Can't wait til you get to the bottom of this mystery!

    Sorry you've been laid low. Had the same sort of thing last week and lost several days - so well done for making it to your critique group.
    Hope you're hundred percent better asap. x

  3. Dar, Keep us posted on the dream mystery. Hope you're feeling better soon - eat oranges :) TFx
