
Friday, February 6, 2009

It's all in the title or the tag

I'm hoping to get some quality writing time in today, and I've newspapers to deliver and errands to do, so I probably won't have much time for blogging. ... But I just had to share this with you. My blog has been visited three times now by people having happened upon it through a google search for vibrating toothbrushes! LOL ... I'm thinking my next blog will be about something along the lines of how to get those nasty wine stains out of your carpet, or how to make microwave popcorn from bulk bought kernels, and a brown paper bag. :)


  1. Ha! Just be careful. I had a very irate comment last night from 'anonymous' berating me for being a bad person because of a nun post I'd written.
    Be nice about the toothbrushes:-)

  2. Oh that's so funny! Thanks for sharing!

  3. lol...i think the attraction was "vibrating" Dar. so vibrating popcorn might have the same hits

  4. Hahaha! To funny!
    How do you discover what people search to find you?

  5. Lane, you, being bad about nuns? I have to go see. I haven't yet got berated by any vibrating toothbrush manufacturers. :)

    TF, who's Nora? ;)

    You're welcome Helen. :)

    Maybe Jude, but stats did say that the referral came specifically from a google search for vibrating toothbrushes. If I had written this post before I wrote it, it would have come up as a hit when I was searching for the same thing. :)

    Gonna, I don't know your name, but I do like to play boggle. :)

    Lesbo, glad you enjoyed it; My counter also tells me stats about where the traffic is coming from and what pages are visited, things like that.

    Glad you all had a chuckle out of this. :)
