
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Inner circle

You know what it's like when you're not well or you're hurting, how you pull inward and seek the comfort and support of your inner circle of friends? What happens if there's no one there?   I really could use a close friend.


  1. I'm here Dar. An ocean away, but only a second or two by e-mail. Please accept a big hug x

  2. Many of us understand having no one who you can be open up to in your life. Knowing that really doesn't help though does it?

    You have my email address. I'm here Dar.

    Virtual Hugs,

  3. if you do not have anybody close, reach out to those you do not know. Post on somebody's blog. Find others who think alike. Sometimes it is much easier to talk to someone who doesn't know you. No strings attached. No judgement. No emotional involvement.

  4. Hi mywaytotruth. It's not a problem with taking to someone. I can talk, can open up with anyone. It's close friendships that is missing from my life. The people who accept you for who you are, and want to spend time with you even when you're down. Emotional involvement, stings attached; heck, that's what my life is lacking.

    Reaching out to others is what I do, and though it is love, and it does feed me, it only satisfies half of the need.
