Knowledge that is gained from experience and understanding has more bearing on how someone governs their life than that obtained from hearsay. Once something is truly understood, it becomes the backing of one's principles.
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Dar, Very deep and thought provoking. Glad to see you back in blogland. Hope you're OK m'dear? TFx
ReplyDeleteAside from being in the process of loosing my best friend because I hadn't yet understood the right or wrong of something enough to act on it as a principle, I'm ok.
ReplyDeleteWrong and right cont'd....the ONLY WORD that pops to me **here[I shall]say**, is well...'HERESAY'. (your comment clearly indicates that you, best friend or someone connected to you both initiated to your detriment the following. Let these synonyms be my comment (coupled with my understanding & sadness): GOSSIP, RUMOUR, UNCONFIRMED REPORT, SCUTTLEBUT, SECONDHAND INFORMATION, GRAPEVINE ANON. PH
ReplyDeleteI did the wrong, PH.