
Friday, January 22, 2010

I am by nature polyamorous

I am by nature, polyamorous. That means I am open to, can, and DO, love more than one person deeply, and that I value, celebrate, and honour the connections and love I share with all those in my life, whether it be emotional, spiritual, sexual, or a combination of, within the confines of what is acceptable to all involved.

This doesn't mean that I am a swinger, that I think of sex as a recreational activity, or anything less than the spiritual connection between two people, or, as anything less then the ultimate expression of love. It doesn't mean that I am immoral or have no conscience. It doesn't mean that I am ungodly or evil. It doesn't mean that I don't respect other people's beliefs or principles, and it certainly does not mean that I have no regard for the value of commitment or what couples share, and so go around willy nilly disrupting people's primary relationships, mine, or anyone elses by trying to get every woman I meet into bed with me.

I am in a committed relationship with my partner. I value that relationship and commitment more than anything in this world. I am deeply in love with the woman she doesn't show to anyone else but me, the tenderness and love that's in her heart, and I return that honour with a life time commitment to her before all others, truthfully, faithfully, and monogamously.  There isn't anything or anyone on this earth that I would allow to come between her and I or the commitments I have made to her in my own heart, and just as I value and respect what I have with my partner, I value and respect what is shared between other couples.

It goes against everything I believe to knowingly cause hurt to anyone, to cross another's line, to disrespect their beliefs and values.  But I am human. I feel the need to make intimate connections, to be true to what I feel, to express it, and to be accepted and loved for who I am. My selfish need for these things can blind me from the truth and push me across lines of acceptable behaviour, mine and other people's, and when that happens I deeply feel the remorse and responsibility of my actions.

I believe in God, in love, in loyalty, in truth, and in many other things, and I continually try to become a better person by learning from my mistakes, and adjusting my behaviour to reflect what I believe to be right. I am not immoral or selfish because I recognize that it is in my nature to love more than one deeply, or because I allow myself the freedom to. With all my heart I believe that love is a gift from God and withholding it is a sin equal to breaking a vow of commitment or not telling the truth.

I am writing this post to be understood and to come out of the closet, if you will.  I know that for many, polyamory is a dirty word and they think of those who allow themselves that freedom as being without moral conviction or conscience. But that couldn't be further from the truth; granted, there are those who consider themselves polyamorous who do not adhere to a high moral standard, but polyamory and immorality are not inclusive, and I know in my heart, regardless of what anyone else may think, they certainly are not in me.


  1. I have friends who are poly, but this is the first time I've read such a good explanation. Thanks for sharing.

  2. We all have to be true to ourselves and that's exactly what you're doing. A great honest post.

  3. Thanks Camlin; I only speak for myself though.

    Thanks for commenting Helen and for recognizing my honesty; I know. Being true to yourself is suppose to make you feel good, but when you feel so different from everyone else it makes you feel like there is something wrong with you, and being true to yourself only seems to widen the gap you feel there is between you and everyone else.

  4. I agree with Helen - what a strong, clearly thought out, honest post.

    Good on you. If you can't be true to yourself, you can't be at peace. Ever.

    (hi btw. Big waves from over the pond) x

  5. It's not easy to know yourself....I am constantly surprised by me!

    Lovely and thought provoking post

