
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Baths are for butches too!

I had a bath last night, first I've had in a very long time. Now don't get me wrong, I do shower on a regular basis. I'm not a grubby, but I've always disliked the idea of just lollygagging there in the hot water with the soap suds, the day's dirt, sweat, and dead skin cells, all floating about in there with you. I've always opted for a shower because I thought it more efficient for washing those ucky things off of you and down the drain. I've also always thought that baths were for wooses; you know, the whole idea of pampering yourself... It just didn't sit right with my grin and bear it attitude .... Well let me tell you, baths are for butches too and I'm a convert! :)

Since I've begun my handy woman/garden maintenance business, my muscles have been aching, and I've pretty much accepted that as a fact of life. I've even come to enjoy the feeling at the end of the day, seeing that tired ache as a sign that I've put in a good honest day's work.

Recently though, my hands have been aching
too, so much so that I've been awakened at night with the discomfort. So last night while washing up a few dishes I noticed just how good my hands felt in the hot water, and I had this incredible urge to submerge the rest of my arms into the sink, and then because I only managed to do so up to my elbows, the rest of my body cried out for the same luxurious treatment.

So in a moment of weakness, I ran a bath. I filled the tub as high as it could be filled with water as hot as I thought I could bear. ... I stepped in and slid into the tu
b... Oh my gawd... My toes and feet were the first to feel the effect, then my butt and thighs, my calf muscles, then up my back, to my shoulders and neck, and then my arms and hands. ...Did you know hands float? LOL. I didn't know that. (Grin)

Eventually the water began to cool, so I drained out about half and filled it again with hot water. What Indulgence! My whole body relaxed into a gelatinous state as the tension in each muscle eased and my joints and tendons clicked happily into a more comfortable position. I don't think I could have moved even if I wanted to... I lay there for the longest time in complete and utter bliss, submerged up to my face in hot water until I saw my floating finger tips begin to prune, and the water in the tub began to cool once more. ... I felt a few moments of regret as I watched the last of the warm water swirl around my ankles and down the drain, so I promised myself then and there that I'd have another bath soon.

I then showered, toweled down, and changed into my softest flannel boxers and cozy t-shirt. My partner t
ook our dog Fizz out for her nightly piddle, so I didn't have to shed the comforting warmth that enfolded me, so I slipped it all in with me between the sheets, kissed my partner and pooch goodnight, and fell swiftly into the best sleep I've ever had.

I slept like a baby all though the night, and this morning my muscles and joints are nearly ache free. Life is good. My body and soul are in top form, and I'm rearing and ready for another day of hard work. :)


  1. Dar...I expected to see a picture of you in the tub! Not one with you putting your bike helmet on. Match the pic to the story please! lol

  2. LOL, no way! ... I'm proud of how well my body's getting back into shape, but not that proud to show it off, in all it's nekkid glory for the world to see. (chuckling)

  3. TF loves her bath, so now is the time to double the luxury and invest in some sweet smelling bubblebath. BTW like your black shower cap! TFx

  4. LOL, TF, that's just to protect my head just in case I slip in the tub. (grin) And no sweet smelling bubblybath for me. ... Maybe I can find something soothing without a scent... :)

  5. That bath sounded sooo lovely.. Must have one myself soon..Tip for rough garden hands

    3 teaspoons of sugar
    a good squirt of lemon juice
    a slosh of olive oil..

    put into a small jar..and wash your hands with a little of this before using soap..hands feel good..

  6. Jeez that sounds good. Makes me want to go and have a good dunk.

    I feel the cold, whimp that I am, and sometimes a good hot bath is the only thing that can warm me up.

    I love how you've described it too, taking all that 'comforting warmth' straight to bed.

    It's so good to see you smiling and raring to go:-)

  7. Hey Blu, thanks for the recipe. I'll make up some tomorrow morning before I head out to work. :)

    Lane, is it rearing or raring? ... And thank you; I like that part about taking the warmth to bed with me too. I felt the click when I wrote it. :)

    Helen, it was, is, and will be,, blissful. :) ... I'm even considering getting some bath salts or something of that nature; as long as it's not scented. Soothing potions, candles, and a glass of wine or a beer are planned for my next bath. :)

  8. My girlfriend isn't a fan of the bath either, but she'll sit in one after a shower (or at the very least rinse) and cleaned off the gunk. I take lots, not for the cleanliness factor but for the chill out. If I need to be clean, shower, if I need to relax, bath. Glad you finally figured that one out!

  9. In reference to other comments... Forgo the smelly and just get some Magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts). Copied from Wikipedia "Magnesium sulfate when used through soaking, can soothe muscle pains and help improve rough patches in the skin." Since you've got the pain and don't want the smelly (most bath salts use that as a main ingrediant plus smelly stuff), just use it straight

  10. I'm glad I figured it out too. :) Epsom Salts, got it! :)

  11. They sure are! I'd sooooo miss my baths (and my baby scrubbing my back!)
    Oh and keeping everything tightly crossed for you re the letter from NY.


  12. Oh my, I forgot all about what having a good back scrub is like. ... yeah... I'll have to remember that for my next bath. Thanks Boo! :)
