
Friday, January 30, 2009


Battered daily by a storm
that no one else can sense
hopes snapped off
like dry and brittle twigs

In the calm, new branches grow
only to be torn away
by the next gust of wind


  1. Hey Dar...I was a biology major at one time and I know for a fact, the new branches are stronger and very flexible. They won't tear off as quickly as you think. ;)

  2. Guess you're better at biology then I am at writing poetry then. (Grin)

  3. That's very evocative. Great economic use of words as well. Look forward to hearing more.

  4. Great poem. I like the calm after a good storm.

    BTW You've been tagged by liitle old me. TFx

  5. Hi Dar, I've put some news about writing competitions on my blog which might be of some interest to you.

    Best wishes,

  6. Hey Jude, PS: Thank you for the positive thought. :)

    Annie, me, poetry? ...It does fill a need though, and at least it's writing something when I'm floundering around in my own head and can't pull myself out enough to write anything else. ... Maybe there will be more. Thank you.

    Helen; I was going for economy of words. I'm not sure I'm much of a poet, and it feels like such a self indulgent thing to do. ... I guess keeping this blog is as well. ... You might wish you never encouraged me. (grin) Thank you for it though. :)

    Thanks TF. :) ... I like that calm too. I think it was from you that I read about the clarity of thought that happens then, and that is so true. I just wish I could figure out a way to keep it. It's like I have to keep learning those lessons over and over again.

    Thank you. You are all so very generous with your support. (((((HUGS)))))

  7. Oh, I have to go see what I've been tagged for.... :)

  8. I like the sparsity of this. I especially like the first two lines - very evocative.

    Any more poems?

  9. Thanks Lane; ... no, that's it for now.
