
Friday, January 2, 2009

Ennui strikes again

So the new year isn't starting out well for me. I'm not writing and I feel miserable. The story ideas I felt so positive about before Christmas just don't seem to have enough substance. I haven't talked to my best friend in over two weeks because she's unable to come online to chat for some reason, and she seems as happy as a clam because of all the free time she has to herself. My house is clean and tidy and I've nothing to do; I swept the floor twice today, once, to pick up all the little bits, and a second time just to make sure I didn't miss anything. I played solitaire about fifty times this afternoon, and lost every game. I'm sliding into a rut again, feeling sorry for myself, and the two glasses of wine I just had isn't helping.

I know attitude is everything, but I can't seem to shake the nasty one clouded around my head and seeping into my skull. Please don't encourage me by responding with anything that suggests you feel sorry for me, but if anyone reading this knows of a way to to make that cloud go away, I would appreciate it to no end.

Think I'll go get another glass of wine and bury myself in a book.


  1. Exercise. when I get feeling that way I get on my exercise bike for at least twenty minutes. also I surf the web. Since i got onto twitter there is no end to interesting people to meet and ideas spring from them non-stop
    and if all else fails I write e-mails to my friends.

  2. Hey Zed; that was quick. :) I don't have an exercise bike, and even if I did, I'd probably get my pant legs caught in the spokes after those two glasses of wine. (grin) ... And I hear you about the emails, and believe me, I've written my share, ... trouble is, one should never write emails to your friends when you're feeling crappy and feeling sorry for yourself, all sorts of unhappy things can happen because of it.

    Guess all there is to it is to bury my head into a good book and lose myself into someone else's thoughts for awhile.
    It was good to have someone here listening though, thank you. :)

  3. Hi Dar. I think Zed is right about the exercise thing. My advice would be to get out in the fresh air and take some very deep breaths. (I'm sure you know that alcohol is a depressant.) Where's that fabulous Time magazine? It may need some TLC. QRx

  4. Reading
    Walking the dogs
    Messing about on Facebook
    Sticking headphones in ears and dancing about like a loon.

    These don't always work completely but they certainly help:-)

    And remember. It'll pass.

  5. Hey Dar- missing you.

    I can only say what works for me...and it's getting out. Usually I just wander out onto the river where I live and go for an aimless walk. There's something about the rythm of walking that's quite soothing and hypnotic.

    Sounds like you need to lose yourself for a while (hence the wine drinking! or the reading somebody else's thoughts)

    Try the walk- pick somewhere that feels safe and where you might happen upon some birds or other wildlife. I find water really good so perhaps a river or if you're dead lucky to be near- go to the coast.

    Dar- you might just need to feel like this for a while anyway and go with it. Sounds like perhaps it happens to you once and a while- it's probably natures' way of re-charging the old batteries.

    After all most genius's I think you'll find suffer from this...I'm eagerly awaiting the Time magazine!

    Love and Happy New Year



  6. Thank you everyone; ... honest Rose, I was only drinking the wine because it went well with the left over pizza! But no, it wasn't a very good idea to indulge in it when I was feeling so crappy in the first place.

    ... And yes Butch, these mood swings of mine happen frequently; sometimes it's just too much effort to have to work to get out of them, so I allow myself to wallow around in them occasionally. Actually, that's bullshit,(grin) I don't have half the control over them as that last statement suggests. Maybe you are right though; maybe it is something I have to allow to happen, to get it out of my system. One thing I do know, If you weren't taken, and I wasn't, and you weren't butch, I'd be asking you to marry me. (grinning and winking) You have no idea how long I've been waiting for someone to say I was a genius! LOL

    Lane, you're right none of those things work completely, ... however the dancing around like a loon comes pretty close. :) What does help is the thought that it will pass. That in it self cleared away at least fifty percent of the cloud cover. Amazing that.... So today is a practical day; making a grocery list, going shopping. After which I intend to look at an old story of mine that needs re working, and...

    "It will pass, it will pass...."

  7. Ha, I used the 'dancing around like a loon' solution myself today.
    was feeling pretty bad so decided to dance for my exercise today. Turned on i-tunes and I went. My poor roommate.. hell it was only for forty five minutes but I felt much better after.Felt good enough to make a coffee date with a new friend.
    Hope you're feeling better...

  8. I always find that reading helps however bad I feel. And I tend to return to old favourites when I feel like that. For me Agatha Christie mysteries work every time (even if I've read them over and over before). Or something like Bill Bryson. Hope you're feeling better x

  9. Hey Zed, I am feeling better though still haven't written anything yet. ... Very glad to see that dancing perked up your spirits though. :) ... and the heck with the room mate, if she or he can't handle a bit of dancing. Life's meant to happen eh? :)

    Helen, I've got a ton of Agatha Christie mysteries somewhere in boxes down in the basement. ... You might be on the right track. I loved each and every one of those books, and they're a nice easy read. ... except for the fact I could never figure out how come Miss Marple was always so clever. :) ... Thank you! :)

  10. Speaking of Miss Marple- "Murder She Wrote" akways freaks me out. I mean she takes a holiday to stay at an old freinds' or a distant relatives' and EVERY time there is a murder!
    Would you not work out that there may be a common denominator involved? I tell you if she were my great aunt she ain't coming anywhere near my coubtry let along city or flat!!

    So glad you are on the up Dar- and thanks so much about you comment about peeing in peace- you so get it. Why on earth should I have to do anything?!



  11. Hey Butch, sorry I didn't see your comment, otherwise I would have responded sooner! ... I know! what is it with that Jessica Fletcher woman, anyway? Nope, I wouldn't invite her for tea either! LOL.

    And my pleasure about the peeing in peace thing. ... It just blows me away sometimes that there are so many people that don't 'get it'!

