
Monday, January 19, 2009

I just can't bring myself to toss this into the rubbish heap

Maybe some things you thought dead, actually do have some life in them yet. No matter how hard you try though, you can't get back what has withered away. At some point you either have to make the decision to nurture what remains, or give the whole thing up as lost.

This pepper plant that I had given up on as dead after it had been covered with snow, has now sprouted new leaves and buds. I just re potted it and placed it in a sunny location.


  1. that is so cool. I hate it when someone throws out a plant that might have been saved...and that one looks like it's going to be fine. Have you tried the peppers on any food yet? Nothing so satisfying as picking something off one of your own plants to eat or to spice up some food.

  2. There's definitely some life left in that plant.

    I like your analogy. I suppose the same can be said about old bits of writing. Check there's nothing salvageable before consigning it to the rubbish bin:-)

  3. I remember when I had the same thoughts about me! lol

    Thank goodness someone didn't toss me away as a lost cause because the spark of life left in me bloomed into a fiery furnace! :D

  4. Hey Zed. I feel the same way; I can't bear to toss out a plant if there is anything left living on it, but that has left me with occasional ugly scraggly houseplant hanging around for years! ... Sometimes you just gotta let things go. This one, however, is a keeper. And yes, there is something so satisfying about eating food that you've grown yourself. I keep a vegetable garden in the back yard, and I'm really looking forward to the the spring when I can once again get soil under my nails and feel satisfaction of picking and eating the first radishes and lettuce. :)

    Hey Lane! :) The same can be said about a lot of things... especially writing. I've never tossed any of it out. (grin) ... I love it when things like the pepper plant sprouting new growth happens. It felt great to clean up all the dead leaves and branches and give it a second chance. I think I'll take a look at that old novel of mine. Who knows, maybe with a bit of trimming and tlc it will come back to life. :)

    Gypsy, Thank goodness you didn't!!! :) ... It's amazing what a bit of love can accomplish.. Wow, fiery furnace! :D

    Hey Helen! :) ... And it's not usually over, until you think it is. That seems like such a simple concept to learn, but it's one of the hardest sometimes to remember.

  5. It's a wellknown fact that if you talk to plants they will grow ;-) TFx

  6. Yep, everything thrives on attention and love. :)

  7. Thank you for the thought Ellen. :)
