I've been tagged by Tom Foolery. The rules of the game are: Go to the 4th folder in your computer where you store your pictures. Pick the 4th picture in that folder . Explain the picture. Tag 4 people to do the same.
Well, I didn't quite have to break the rules, just bent them a bit. No one said the folder had to be the fourth from the top, ... and the fourth pic, from that folder wasn't something I'd dare share publicly; ... think partner privately bathing in a lake while on a camping trip... :)
Anyway, the fourth pic from the last, in the fourth folder up from the bottom, luckily is something I, and my sweet lovable, kind and considerate, ... and sometimes very soapy partner, :) doesn't mind in the least my sharing with you all.
I took this photo one day just walking around the neighbourhood with my camera, just shooting whatever caught my eye. It's one of the ones I'm most pleased with, - more luck than anything else, and something I haven't been able to repeat since.
I tag Jude, because she's an excellent photographer (and she's going to kill me for this!) Zed, because I think she could use a bit of silly fun, Boo, even if she does needs debellyfying (grin), and Annie, because she's the first blogger to comment on something I posted, other than those I already knew before I joined blogger. Tag, you're it. :)