
Monday, December 22, 2008

Yesterday was the first day of winter

My apologies to all my blogger friends. I've been very busy cleaning, making Christmas presents, cleaning, shoveling snow, cleaning, shoveling even more snow, and you guessed it, even more cleaning, that I've not been able to afford the time to keep up on your blogs, ... or even my own blog, for that matter. As soon as I have a free moment, I promise, I'll drop by and see what you all are up too. Until then, I wish each and everyone of you all the magic the season can bring, and may your hearts be filled with love, peace, and joy.


  1. Wow, that photo!

    it's a busy time of year and bloggie things take a bit of a back burner don't they.

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and I wish you peace, health and prosperity .. and lots of writerly inspiration next year. And a big hug for Fizz too:-)

  2. Thanks for dropping by. Yes, Nicola is my eldest daughter. She does actually have blonde hair, ha...but is wearing an ''Amy Winehouse'' wig in the pic.She will be 17 in February and my other daughter Rebekah has just turned 13¬¬¬ Gosh, I feel old writing that.
    I love the is sooooo festive but I know what a pain it can be too. I was snowed in, in Milwaukee in March this year and there was a whole lot of shovelling going on. Mind you, being snowed in with the man of your dreams is fine!!!and I was...blessings to you too this Christmas and may all your dreams come true in the New Year.

  3. You have a truly wonderful Christmas Dar.

    Lovely photo- very jealous of your snow indeed.



