
Monday, December 15, 2008

Nine days till Christmas

Winter is here, and there's a residual instinct in me to hybrinate, to curl up next to a fire with a hot cup of tea and a good book, but the Christmas panic begins, and to make things worse, we got snowed in yesterday when we had been planning on starting our Christmas shopping. There's cleaning to do, lots of it, shopping, shoveling snow, thawing out the Christmas tree and then decorating it, ... and the house as well, but all I want to do is read and write. Reading I can do at night, but writing, well, if I start something now I won't be able to pull myself away to do anything else, so I'm ignoring my muse for the moment, hoping she understands. Trouble is, I can't seem to get motivated to do those other things, and the crunch is on. Figures, all that time complaining about having nothing to write about, and now when I should be doing something else, it's all I want to do.


  1. I love the idea of being snowed in. The reality is probably not so great:-)

    It's a busy time of year. I have the same problem as you. I'd like long stretches of time to write but it just ain't going to happen at the moment:-)
    Scribble lots of notes so the muse knows you aren't forsaking her:-)

  2. It amazes me when I hear some of the girls I work with saying what they have done on their days off. What they have managed to fit in...phew!
    Me, well I am a bit like you. Reading is essential to each and every day, a little writing and a lot of walking.
    This year, I started Christmas shopping early and have bought a pressie or two every week since September. In saying that, I still have lots to do...ha.
    Luckily, we don't have snow to worry about or bitterly cold temps.
    Good luck with the preparations.

  3. Hey Lane, you'd love it here then, we're having another storm. Looks like the Christmas shopping is all going to be done at the local mall where we can walk to. ... I never got in the habit of scribbling, ... can't exactly read my handwriting. (Grin) ... I wish there was a little device that could record your thoughts; that would be very cool, I could just go about doing the work that needs done, with my head in the clouds, where it usually is, and turn the thing on whenever I had a creative thought. :)

    Ellen, those girls must have a bit of Martha Stewart in them. (Grin) ... I keep meaning to do what you did, start shopping earlier in the year, but there always seems to be something else to do.
