
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Listen to your muse

My muse is still having her way with me, and I can't help but submit to her attentions. For years I've been whining that I didn't have a story to write, that I didn't have enough experiences under my belt to draw from, but I kept insisting to myself that I was a writer. I'd maybe have an idea for a story, say, two or three times a year. But now I have a list of ideas, and the more time I spend writing, the longer that list gets. I keep wondering just what it is that has changed to cause my muse to want to hang out with me so much more. Maybe it's because I've finally realized that you don't have to have lived an adventurous life to write a compelling story, that the hazards and trials of everyday life can be just as much of a challenge as climbing Mt. Everest. Or maybe it's because I finally heard what my muse has been trying to communicate to me all these years: Enough with the bellyaching already. If you're a writer then just write, for crying out loud!


  1. I firmly believe that the more you write, the more you write (if you see what I mean). One idea, sparks another and so on. (says she who hasn't written all weekend)

    I'm glad your ideas are coming thick and fast. Catch 'em whilst they're hot:-)

    Adventurous lives are great but I'm far more interested in the minutiae of people's lives. How they see things. What makes them tick. That to me is fascinating.

    Listen to your muse:-)

  2. Good luck with getting on with the writing. I am stuck in a fur lined rut at the moment. I found the link to you on Helen's blog and I've stopped to say hello to a fellow Islander as I grew up on Quadra Island! Oh how I miss the beauty of BC :(

  3. A nice blog..and interesting..if you can please go through my blog and comment on my writings..

  4. Hi Dar, if you want to be a writer the one thing you have to do is..... Yes, you've guess it.

    Great to have you on board, my dear friend.

    Best wishes & ((Hugs))


  5. Lane, I agree; that's exactly what interests me too, and the type of stories I like to read. And yep, I'm listening to my muse. How could I not; she can be quite seductive at times like these. :)

    DJ, thank you very much for coming for a visit. Image that, meeting a fellow Westcoaster, who's been transplanted all the way to Britain. ... I figure if you're going to be in a rut, a fur lined one seems the most comfortable. ... I checked out your blog for a bit yesterday, and you don't seem to be in much of a rut though. Maybe you were just feeling a might chilly and needed to warm up a bit. :)

    Thank you Subhadip. Interesting is very good. :) I promise I will visit your blog soon.

    LOL! You got it Annie. (Smiles and HUGS back to you as well)

  6. I'm in a similar place right now, Dar. I've always felt like I would never measure up to other writers, but now I'm starting to see that I have my own things to say, I don't have to compare to others.
