
Thursday, September 29, 2016


Sometimes I think all my nerves endings  must be right on the surface
because I  feel the roughness of the world
like sandpaper rubbing against my skin.
The unwelcome of hurried lives,
the abrupt endings,
and  the sharpness of quick and thoughtless words,
scrape against me,
leaving cuts and scratches that I can't help but take personally. 

I run away and curl up in a protective ball to lick my wounds,
but  loneliness  draws me back out again.
I long for gentleness, for unhurried connection, 
for the slow caress  of attention,  
the  welcome  of thoughtful kindness, 
 and the warm softness of love.


  1. We're creating a world where such things are hard to find. This poem is not just about me, but all of us.

  2. I know this is very late; there is a story that is really not relevant here.

    We have to push through the pain of the cruelty the world throws at us. Without vulnerability there can be no real caring or love.
    I have no proof of it, but somehow, I know it to be so.
