
Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Where did everyone go? Doesn't anyone blog anymore?

I'm feeling a little like a ship without a home port these days; Tabblo, a photo sharing and community site that I belong to, is rumored to be closing down soon and the thought of that has upset me very much. I haven't been very active on the site recently; other, ... what I thought were more important thing, have taken my time. ... The thing is, I always thought it would be there for me when I needed it. ... Actually, I never really gave it much thought at all; I just took it's existence for granted, even scorned it at times, but now when I am faced with losing it, the loss I feel is incredible.

I have met so many wonderful people on the site, a few who will continue to be friends when the place no longer exists, but many of them are 'online friends' that only exist within the confines of those virtual walls. ... And soon they all will disappear.

The saying: "You never know what you have until it's gone." is so common, you would think I would have heard it and heeded it's wisdom, but I guess like many things in life, we have to experience it before we can understand it's full import.

And now I find that most of those I use to follow here on blogger seemed to have found other more important things to do with their time...

Is there nothing permanent in this world; is everything a flight of fancy, here one minute gone the next when something more entertaining catches our eye?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch


  1. I am one who has never blogged; in a sense I guess it's journaling(sp?) and I've been told many times that I should to get my thoughts out yet I never thought of blogging in public! how would anyone be interested in anything I can say and then what about the dreaded 'writer's block' yikes! - I'm just too lazy and slothful I guess. Or afraid. Besides, I have been called a 'writer' but I don't believe it - I just spill my guts to a telephone counseller once a week because my guts need spilling? I understand your pain at this loss you speak of - Tabblo. Other sites I've been or am on, the exact same thing happens as to you here on blogger, people come and go or never ever contact so why bother I sometimes think?

    As for your post Dar, there are confines of the virtual world certainly but yet the real friends WILL remain and perhaps you will meet certain of them for real one day.

    Important things slip slide away into not so important things for folks everywhere it seems and the song's tune playing in my head now 'you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone' by Joni Mitchell, I've had happen to me so many times that I am somewhat inured to its heartbreak, I guess maybe - maybe not? Another saying to consider is 'nothing lasts forever' Dar and unfortunately, it's true. None of us can or will last forever, heartache lies ahead for we lose loved dearly loved ones (or have already in my case - most cases probably) so then yet another saying is 'ashes ashes to ashes dust to dust'. Perhaps Tabblo's 'death' for you and all the other members is a time for mourning and grieving that is cleansing that will cleanse your soul and yet it is so very hurtful yes?

    They won't ALL disappear Dar; they may be silent or out of touch for a bit or a longer bit...just like your little 'bird' flitting fron branch to branch 'on your route'...

  2. Well, as long as I have one person listening, I've a reason to post. Thanks P. :)

  3. Things do seem to go in phases. I think a lot of people are too busy to blog although most people I know spend a lot of time on Twitter. Ahem.

  4. Hey Helen, I've seen your posts on Twitter. :)

  5. Well others is just busy. I'll keep reading your reading your blog.

  6. Oh the how the days fly... I too , far behind on my blog , my web site , my photo posting , my journal.. I need a 24 hour day:):)
    I too love so many things ... Husband , family , friends, animlals.
    Like your garden Dar , all need nuturing and attention
    Darn this site is being weird more later xxoo

  7. Real people will be real . No matter

  8. I felt the same about Tabblo and our tabblo-friends. Most of them simply vanished into air. I can still hear their voices when I read old comments, but it is all gone. Nothing is permanent - not even pain, loneliness or fear, I hope.

    Blogging seems to be like talking to the walls. Sometimes the walls reply, but most time they just listen to you in reverent silence. Some walls can be more clever than most people.

  9. Hi Dar
    Sorry it's been so long since I last visited. So much has been happening with me and my feet haven't touched the ground but I have finally landed back on planet earth and have just been updating all my blogs. I have really missed my cyber friends and although I am behind with everyone's lives it's good to be back and hopefully I can catch up.
    Happy New Year by the way...a bit late but heartfelt...smiles.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hey Ellen, I.m hoping that when you say you're feet haven't touched the ground it means that you've been busy and happy. Good things should happen to good people. :)
