
Friday, May 26, 2017


I am not like you.
I do not fit in your world.
My life has shaped me into something different than what you expect,
than what you allow.

I am a perfect reflection of the life I’ve lived.
I have learned many things that you will never know unless you can see me as someone who has gained wisdom from their experiences.

I am capable of reason, intelligent thought,
and yes, even unselfish love;
even if I still have wounds that are in need of healing and care.

My injuries are those obtained from being told over and over again that I am not worthy,
that I cannot participate,
that my differences are not welcome in this world.
And my wellness has everything to do
with denying what I've been told.

Your insistence that I be like you to fit in
only adds to the injuries I need to heal from.

I do not need your sympathy;
I need your acceptance.
I need to be treated as a welcome part of the whole because of my differences, not despite them.
Letting me into your world doesn't count as a welcome
if I am the only one expected to change.


  1. Such a profound piece of writing. Thank you!

  2. You're very welcome. It expresses very clearly how I've been feeling lately but I felt I was speaking for more people than myself.

  3. While we cannot expect others to accept us (although it is wonderful when they do), it is clear to me that you have accepted yourself. That gives us strength. So wonderful Dar. All the Best.

    1. Thanks Halle; but my question is, why can't expect others to accept us?

    2. Your question might have been rhetorical, but I am a teacher, so I'll jump in. There are two things I believe about this.
      Why do others not automatically accept us? I believe, I know, that the world should value and encourage uniqueness, but so rarely does. It is a basic flaw in our culture and it holds us back from greater creativity. It is why artists are so often social rebels as well; they have to learn to ignore those who do not accept them. They have to march to their own drummer.
      Like that rebel artist, we should avoid having high expectations of others, because they lead to terrible disappointment way too often.

    3. I think we should be able to expect it. I'm UU (Unitarian Universalist) and the first principle of my faith is "The inherent worth and dignity of every person". No I do not except that people do accept difference readily, but, I believe that I, and everyone else SHOULD be able to expect it. As far as I am concerned such things are unnegotiable human rights.

      As you say, its a flaw, and it's something that needs the change.
