
Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I was wrong, and I am so happy that I was! I never wanted to believe what I wrote in my previous post, that there isn't anything to be done about the human condition of solitude, that our lonely responsibility of, and to ourselves is something we always have to bear alone.

I was just talking on the phone to a friend and she told me that the first thing she thought of when she read my last post was bridges! ... Bridges! That's it, of course! The concept is so simple.

Waves are good, but they dissipate, and you feel lonely and sad when you no longer feel them caressing your coast, ... And digging deeply to the root of our islands, and finding our connections there, within those depths, may be the most fulfilling and rewarding, but that takes an amount of commitment that most don't have the time to give, - not that they don't want to; it's just the way it is. But bridges, there's a permanency to them if they are built right, and you can transverse them at anytime, and if both islands care enough to work to maintain that bridge, the connection will become deeper with time.

Thank-you my friend, for giving me this thought. (((HUGS!!!))) :)


  1. Dar, Maybe like the lyrics from the Simon And Garfunkel hit "Bridge Over Troubled Water"

    When you're weary
    Feeling small
    When tears are in your eyes
    I will dry them all

    I'm on your side
    When times get rough
    And friends just can't be found
    Like a bridge over troubled water
    I will lay me down
    Like a bridge over troubled water
    I will lay me down ......

    Glad you're sounding a wee bit more positive today m'dear. TFx

  2. Maybe just like that, TF, Thank you. ... I'm glad I'm sounding more positive today as well. :) ... Just a wee bit though? I thought it was quite positive. (Grinning) It certainly feels like it is.

    ((((((HUGS!!!))))) ... Thank you.

  3. That's a perfect analogy.

    Glad you're feeling more positive m'dear.


  4. Thank you Lane. :) ... I don't know why but making that analogy made it easier for me to see things clearly and positively. Even if I'm not writing much at the moment, I still think in constructed text.

  5. Hey thanks for wandering over the bridge to my little island and leaving a nice solid comment on my rant. That made my day. I know it has been a while, but I'm sending an award your way, to add to your collection. So find your way over to my blog again and pick it up!
