
Sunday, July 19, 2009

My applogies to everyone!

I haven't been able to sign in to my own blog from the blog page, so I haven't been able to respond to comments. I've tried 3 or 4 times, but everytime I sign in it takes me to the dashboard and when I click on view blog the sign in doesn't seem to have taken. I even tried writing a comment while not signed in and then I had to choose an identity, so then when I choose my Google id, nothing happened, and I lost my comments. :(

Friday, July 10, 2009


I could love you with all my heart if you let me
If you made it safe
If you loved me back
just like I love you
We could lose ourselves
in each other
and be as one
We could fly
together, you and I
But reality keeps stepping in
There's always something else that distracts
There's always someone else to love
There's always something else that needs doing
And it knocks me to the ground
It takes away my wings
And I just stand there
Not knowing what else to do
Hoping, that I can fly again with you soon