
Monday, November 14, 2016

Dear America, Please Consider this

There are many things in this world that hold people down, but I think mostly it's the judgement of others, - more specifically, the judgement  that who we are and what we value is not important enough to be heard, that causes folks to feel the need to strike out and fight back.

When the world tells us that all our hard work  doesn’t count, that we don't deserve the same consideration as everyone else, we feel powerless.  We are unable to control our own fate, let alone contribute to the greater good, and our self-respect diminishes.  Our lives become a struggle, and we spend our time fighting in one way or another to survive.  We lack the resources to become the best we can  be, and it’s frustrating to say the least - like our hands have been tied behind our backs but we are still being judged by the same yardstick as those who are free.

I can empathize because I too feel that I have suffered the restrictions and inadequacies place upon me by the judgement of others.  I not only grew up poor but I am transgender and queer, and I live in a world where my differences have not ever been fully accepted by the status quo.

 ..I too have carried what I’ve perceived as an unjust burden, felt the frustration and anger  of “if only I was given a fair chance I could shine... “ And there have been many times in my life when fighting  back was the only way I could see to maintain my self respect.

 But now I know that fighting back is not the way.  It only makes others angry, and causes them to want to fight me to maintain their own self respect, and that doesn’t lead to anyone’s contentment.

… I can’t help but see the parallel between my individual life experience and what is happening in the world today.  … We can spend eternity, each taking turns fighting for our rights to matter - each of us vying  to gain control over our world; putting ourselves and our values first; climbing up that hill, only to eventually be tossed off by another…,  but there will never will be peace; there will always be someone wanting to gain back the control they lost and someone defending what they gained.

The way I see it, the only way to make America great again, …to make the world great is  to  begin by accepting each other’s differences. …To work together as if everyone mattered, as if doing so was in our own self interest, (because after all it is), and so finally once and for all, allowing everyone the opportunity to get on with being the best they can be and with creating a life they truly  can be happy living.